Renting a designer

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Old 08-26-2008, 12:21 AM
rshoffer rshoffer is offline
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Default Renting a designer

Now I realize that part of the deal when you move to TV is to go a little bonkers. Well, In less than a year we've fallen in love with another home (a "view" issue) and may buy it!!!!. Here's my (our) question. Since we'd clearly loose our shirts selling a home in less than a year, what's the rental market out there? We have a beautiful Camillia, corner lot, a zillion upgrades, all new furniture etc. Can we rent it? Anyone out there renting a home? Our realtor suggested since we are here full time WE rent it and NOT use an agency. Any TOTV'ers doing that? I appreciate any feedback and advice.
Old 08-26-2008, 03:07 PM
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Default Re: Renting a designer

I'd suggest running an ad and see what you get. There are probably some folks who are expecting the bottom of the market to still be in the future, and are looking to rent for some period of time.
Old 08-26-2008, 03:41 PM
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Default Re: Renting a designer

We have friends who rent. They have a designer north of 466. They use the Village properties, but I too, would just do it without an agency since you are there and can either clean it yourself or oversee someone to do it. I second the ad idea. I think that since your home is newer, you will get great response. I imagine you have looked at rentals to see what they are asking for them? Different rates for different times of the year. Good luck!
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Old 08-26-2008, 05:32 PM
rshoffer rshoffer is offline
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Default Re: Renting a designer

I guess I should follow up my first question with a second...: anyone else buy a second home within a year?
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