Road repairs

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Old 04-26-2007, 10:31 AM
billski billski is offline
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Default Road repairs

i did a study on districts 1, 2 &3 that if the vcdd would have withheld $10 a month from our amenity fees for the last 10 years we would now have approx $18 million earmarked for road repairs. this means we could be a truely gated community beacuse we could do our own repairs and not have to depend on county money. if it was only $5 a month we would still have 8 million. there hasn't been any significant road repairs in these districts in the last 10 years. this is based on 5000 homes in 1996 and increasing by 1500 homes per year for 10 years. where did all this money go?
Old 04-26-2007, 01:20 PM
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Default Re: Road repairs

Not counting bridges and culvert maintenance, just exactly how much linear road needs to maintained in The Villages? I think someone has a very good idea what the total annualized cost of road maintenance is today. Farner and Barley, Wildwood, do much of the civil engineering for The Villages. They could give you an answer. I do know that the cost of asphalt went from about $150 to about $350 per ton during 2003-2006. Similar price increases for cement as well. Indexing costs to an municipal cost index (MCI) escalator would be in order for most projections but asphalt and concrete prices haven't been tracking this index well. Something to think about.
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