Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Seabreeze Rec Center Grand Opening
I was there for the ribbon cutting ceremony and really enjoyed the "festivities". Great job to all who were involved.
The rec center is gorgeous. I love the Caribbean theme and it certainly makes me feel like I'm at a beach resort. The flooring throughout is a showstopper...I've never seen anything like it before. Only one complaint about Seabreeze... the HD flat screen televisions in the gym are a lot smaller than what I was expecting. The televisions in the Colony Cottage gym are larger than the new ones in Seabreeze. Will take a better look at all the gym equipment tomorrow. I haven't been in all the regional rec centers in TV yet, but I certainly do think the decor in Seabreeze is one of my favorites so far.
Is the gym open for business?
Assuming Seabreeze is open for business, DH and I plan to go to the gym tomorrow. I'll let you know then.
Seabreeze gym is open and it was such a pleasure to hop on an elyptical without having to wait. I don't know how much longer this gym will remain quiet during the busy season but it surely was nice this morning.
I took a look at the Seabreeze ladies room and I must say it is stunning. I felt like I was in an upscale spa. This rec center is certainly a must see when showing friends and family around TV.
Born and Raised in NJ, Elmwood Park first 23 years, Howell past 40 years, TV in my future. |
Thanks for all the great info about Seabreeze. Can't wait to see it when we come down in April. |
Could someone tell me where it is located? I have my handy $5 map in front of me. Thanks.
Buena Vista at Bailey Trail
Sorry, I haven't taken any pictures.
You're very welcome.
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