A single solution for multiple problems in TV

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Old 06-05-2008, 12:57 AM
Hancle704 Hancle704 is offline
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Default A single solution for multiple problems in TV

To serve the needs of those who want dog parks, and those who miss feeding and getting up close and friendly with an animal, how about asking Mr. Morse if residents could have permission to now walk and run their dogs in all of those areas scattered around TV that until recently were used to graze his Buffaloes? Initially, there may be some need to move some Buffalo chips around but this could also be turned into yet another recreation event....tossing Buffalo chips for distance and accuracy. I think I see a Club being formed here.

Now this might be something for those folks who like to start petitions to consider. Think of all TV folks who would benefit from this. Happiness and joy would once again return to Leisureville.
Old 06-05-2008, 01:50 AM
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Default Re: A single solution for multiple problems in TV

I love the idea! ;D
Old 06-05-2008, 02:38 AM
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Default Re: A single solution for multiple problems in TV

Old 06-05-2008, 02:48 AM
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Default Re: A single solution for multiple problems in TV

Hancle 704,

Retired USAF - - Now a Mallory Square FROG!
Old 06-05-2008, 09:40 PM
SteveZ SteveZ is offline
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Default Re: A single solution for multiple problems in TV

Let's see - gathering buffalo chips sounds like a great job for everyone who let's their underage grandkids "drive" the golf car.... NO, can't do that - the job would require higher intelligence than that of letting a kid play as driver of a golf cart....
Old 06-06-2008, 12:35 AM
Hancle704 Hancle704 is offline
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Default Re: A single solution for multiple problems in TV

Originally Posted by SteveZ
Let's see - gathering buffalo chips sounds like a great job for everyone who let's their underage grandkids "drive" the golf car.... NO, can't do that - the job would require higher intelligence than that of letting a kid play as driver of a golf cart....
Simple solution, put them and their grandparents in the landing area.
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