Singles - Where to entertain?

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Old 09-26-2010, 10:36 AM
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Default Singles - Where to entertain?

Hubby and I moved to TV a few months ago and still learning our way around. We have a single friend coming to visit us in a few weeks. Our friend is shopping for retirement places and will be very interested in the single scene. Can you tell me where most singles hang out? Country Club bars? If so which ones. I know Gators is sometimes mentioned, but there are two of them (I think), which one? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Old 09-26-2010, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by salpal View Post
Hubby and I moved to TV a few months ago and still learning our way around. We have a single friend coming to visit us in a few weeks. Our friend is shopping for retirement places and will be very interested in the single scene. Can you tell me where most singles hang out? Country Club bars? If so which ones. I know Gators is sometimes mentioned, but there are two of them (I think), which one? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi, if you look in the "Singles" forum, you will see a lot of information posted by many of us of the different groups of singles here in TV. One is the Sumter Singles Group, which is a more organized group holding meetings and entertainment and sports schedules. Chachacha is a member and you'll see a lot of posts from her with information.

The other things we do are more informal meet & greets at Havana CC, RJ Gators in LSL, and Urban Flats on different nights.

If your friend would like to join us any Monday or Tuesday nights at Havana CC, we could meet them there. Hopefully your friend likes to dance and if he/she can sing karaoke, all the better. Let us know when he/she arrives. Thanks, Kath

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