Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Solicitors in The Villages
Read Janet's column this morning inthe Rec News, about soliciting here in The Villages. She says that it is against the covennts and restrictions. I certainly don't want solicitors at my door. But, how can The Villages stop soliciting? Residents are contractually bound by covenants but how about non residents. How are they obligated to follow covenants and restrictions here?
Oswego, NY, Auburn, KY |
We put a small "No Solicitors" sign in the corner of our front door. Sometimes they will see it and go away. If they ignore it and ring the doorbell, we just point to the sign. It works most of the imte, but not 100%.
You are absolutely right. I have raised this question in the past, specially with door to door canvasing by political candidates. Who's going to stop them? What can anybody do? The sheriff won't stop them since there is no law broken. Community watch has no authority whatsoever. You are correct that the residents are the only ones bound by restrictions and covenants. They are not enforceable against non residents or even renters or guests for that matter. I believe a giant issue of freedom of speech could be raised, particularly by candidates for elected office. I suspect that many of the replies to this question will be of the nature, "I don't want anybody coming to my door." That's not the question here, the question is, "WHO'S GONNA STOP THEM AND HOW." |
Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like nobody's watching . . . . . . |
I have no idea how the laws are made here but my former hometown, Saratoga Springs, NY, passed a local ordinance prohibiting door to door solicitation without first obtaining a permit from the City. When applying for the permit they have to provide the names of the people that will be going house to house and of course the reason. If I remember correctly it wasn't forbidden because you couldn't interfere with interstate commerce.
In Michigan , solicitation is trespassing if in a posted area.........
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be, Also my memory's not as sharp as it used to be. |
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