St. Joseph statue

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Old 07-01-2008, 06:16 PM
Laura Laura is offline
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Default St. Joseph statue

The statue of St. Jospeh is not a sure way to sell a house. People think it is like some magic pill to loose weight!

But if you truly believe in St. Joseph, he will help. I've done it three times, first time, house took 1 month from the burial to the closing, second time, one day- people just drove by and a week later we were at the closing, and third time, in the villa, the second people to walk thru the front door were the buyers. You see, St. Joseph decides who should be in the house. The first people that walked through our villa - turns out she lied on her credit application big time, and was denied. See, HE knows!
The statue sits now on my kitchen counter and watches my house. Tornado missed us by a few feet.
Old 07-02-2008, 12:00 AM
railroader12 railroader12 is offline
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Default Re: St. Joseph statue

Laura your right, about believing in St. Joseph, We buried him in our front yard in January but still have no buyers. But We still have faith, and that's what it's all about. You forget to mention you should say the pray to St. Joseph that comes with the statue when you buy it.
Old 07-02-2008, 12:21 AM
benj benj is offline
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Default Re: St. Joseph statue

I have three properties for sale in the Denver market for over two years. Two months ago I got a St. Joseph statue and in the instructions it said not to bury it but to display it prominently in the property.I have to admit that the last few weeks I have had more lookers at my residence than all of last year. No buyers yet but I'm praying up a storm. Maybe next month I'll bury him.
Champaign,IL Ypsilanti,Dearborn Heights,MI Firestone,CO Now Duval.
My can do can’t keep up with my want to.
Old 07-21-2008, 10:05 PM
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Default Re: St. Joseph statue

Wow, I can't believe this! I first learned about the St. Joseph statue on TOTV and thought it was an endearing belief. I listed my house for sale in March anticipating the move to TV this summer. Then there were only 2 people who even looked these last months. The thought of renting it out was weighing on me so I ordered a St. Joseph. It came in the mail. It sat in the house for several weeks. Last week before leaving for TV, I buried it per instructions, head down, facing the street, near the "for sale" sign and asked the prayer. On my way down to TV I got a call that someone wanted to show the house. Nonchalantly, I said, " Sure, go ahead. I'll be back next week." TODAY I GOT A CALL AND THE PERSON IS MAKING AN OFFER TOMORROW. This is 6 days after burying St. Jospeph and 4 months after listing the house. Coincidence? Maybe. But I'm a believer. Now I just hope it is a good offer and it goes through!

Tallahassee, Clearwater, Indian Rocks Beach, St. Pete Beach, Pt. Pleasant, NJ, Tallahassee, Destin, Tallahassee, the Villages (at last)
Old 07-21-2008, 11:19 PM
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Default Re: St. Joseph statue


Woohoo!!! Crossing fingers, toes, and anything else that will help!!! Best of luck to you. Sure will be nice to cut all ties to Tally and be a full time Villager. Just remember, in this challenging housing reasonable offer should be refused.

Maryland (DC Suburbs) - first 51 years
The Villages - next 51 years
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