Sumter county golf cart citations 8/1-10/11

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Old 10-19-2010, 12:28 PM
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I have been thinking about underage kids driving and all of the other infractions as I read these posts. I hope this might be the start of a crackdown - maybe I'm dreaming.
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Old 10-19-2010, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by foxmeadow View Post
Now that the police are cracking down on speeding golf carts, I feel sooooooo
much safer. Excuse me, but the only thing I see accomplished is about $14,000 in the county coffer's. It didn't rid us of the underage driver's, the people with small children on their laps while driving, the towels covering the rear tail lights, too many bodies in a 2 passenger cart, failing to signal turns, turning left from the far right hand lane and on and on. The reason I am so cynical is due to the police power being used while we continue to see homes being burglarized, articles being stolen from carts in broad daylight, autos left in driveways in the evening being broken into, golf courses being vandalized, etc. Those of you who get so worked up at carts passing you, probably fear they will get an open parking spot at the square, or, worse yet, a chair at the square that you might have gotten if the line of carts would just stay behind you. You are the cart going 16 mph, but you are safer??? Maybe they just had to get to the 2 for 1 before it closed. Sorry, I do not see carts that go 5 mph over the speed limit as a major problem, nor the value in the appropriation of police manpower.
Boy Howdy.

I don't know if our fun wagon goes over the speed limit or not, but I really don't know where the reference to homes burglarized, autos being broken into (They caught that guy last week who broke into an auto or autos and paint balled cars etc.) and golf courses vandalized comes from.. I read this forum night and day, knowing I will get the info here that the Daily Fun leaves out, but I don't think we are having a problem right now with the other things. Correct me if I am wrong.
Old 10-19-2010, 01:15 PM
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Cool Is it just me ???

Here's what I find interesting in reading the posts on this thread. If I look at the average age thread, 65% of those that responded are between the ages of 55 and 64...this is MY GENERATION... This is the same generation that went to Woodstock, drove hot Cameros and Mustangs, drag raced down main street and some might have even tried the pharmaceuticals along the way What happened ????

Now, we seem to think that a golf cart going 25 MPH is a huge hazard and we feel so much better that the Sheriff's Dept. is out in full force handing out citations. There seems to be so much drama, always citing the worse case scenario... ie. someone is going to get killed... loose their home and life savings, etc....

Sorry, I just don't get it
Old 10-19-2010, 01:36 PM
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Interesting stuff!

Old 10-19-2010, 02:35 PM
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Well folks. For all of you who are so concerned about golf cart speeds and potential accidents and injuries, I have one piece of advice for you. Pick up the phone right now and call your golf cart dealer or technician and make an appointment to have three point seat belts installed in your cart and always use them, and I do mean always.

Because, if you think you can be in a golf cart collision going even 19 or 20mph without a seat belt and not be seriously injured, you are seriously mistaken.

End of story.

Last edited by EdV; 10-19-2010 at 02:40 PM.
Old 10-19-2010, 04:20 PM
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I thought I dispense some information about seat belts. I will admit that I should be the last one to talk about this subject but my 2 cents worth will follow.

According to the AAA instructor of a safety driving course, "in CT, the number one ticket that is given out is people not wearing their seat belts".

I have always worn my sealt belt since I read an article that stated there is a great number of people who get hurt in an accident doing 25 MPH or less. The same article said most people are in accidents close to their home and lamented about how some people will not wear their sealt belts because "I'm only going to the store that is a couple of blocks away.

A police officer who taught a driver safety course said, "I have never unbuckled a dead man".

I don't know if they are required in a golf cart but people can get seriously hurt even while going slow if the vehicle comes to an abrupt stop. Many years ago before seat belts, I have witnessed an erderly man hurt his head on a windshield doing less than 25 MPH, (blood everywhere).

I am thankful I have survived my adventures in driving and tend to follow the rules more carefully. Hopefully, I have gotten smarter.

I don't know why I have gotten worked up about this subject as GOD knows I have not been an angel but the thought has entered my mind that HE might make me one if I don't smarten up.

I'm sorry if this sounds like I am preaching to the choir but that is not my intent, just MHO.

I'll probably get a ticket after posting this.
Old 10-19-2010, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by foxmeadow View Post
Now that the police are cracking down on speeding golf carts, I feel sooooooo
much safer. Excuse me, but the only thing I see accomplished is about $14,000 in the county coffer's. It didn't rid us of the underage driver's, the people with small children on their laps while driving, the towels covering the rear tail lights, too many bodies in a 2 passenger cart, failing to signal turns, turning left from the far right hand lane and on and on. The reason I am so cynical is due to the police power being used while we continue to see homes being burglarized, articles being stolen from carts in broad daylight, autos left in driveways in the evening being broken into, golf courses being vandalized, etc. Those of you who get so worked up at carts passing you, probably fear they will get an open parking spot at the square, or, worse yet, a chair at the square that you might have gotten if the line of carts would just stay behind you. You are the cart going 16 mph, but you are safer??? Maybe they just had to get to the 2 for 1 before it closed. Sorry, I do not see carts that go 5 mph over the speed limit as a major problem, nor the value in the appropriation of police manpower.

Where did this rant come from?
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Old 10-19-2010, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by golf2140 View Post
Where did this rant come from?
Just another opinion. Isn't that just like FREE SPEECH??
Old 10-19-2010, 06:57 PM
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For visitors renting their carts from someone other than the "official" Villages cart shop...

How are we supposed to know that we're speeding, when there's no speedometer? I rented an official cart, and it seemed like I was going a little faster downhill than on flat land or uphill, but I had absolutely no idea how fast it was. I -assumed- it was 20 or under, but there's no way of knowing.

Are drivers really supposed to be held responsible for the speed of a rental, if the cart (like most carts) doesn't have a speedometer to let them know how fast they're going? That seems a bit - off.
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Old 10-19-2010, 07:24 PM
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You make statements as if you are an authority on the subject....Are you? If not, why then does law enforcement not make the same recommendation as you!!
Old 10-19-2010, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by AnonChick View Post
How are we supposed to know that we're speeding, when there's no speedometer?
Good point. I guess I liken it to freeway driving. I might be speeding, for example, but figure I'm less likely to get stopped if a.) I'm not at the front or rear of a pack of vehicles traveling at essentially the same speed and b.) I'm "going with the flow" - not cutting in and out, tailgating, or passing everyone.

Suggestion: If you've got a GPS that will run on battery power, take it along on a short cart ride. If you don't have one, perhaps you could borrow one from a friend or neighbor. Check your speed going uphill, downhill, and on level ground, all with the go-pedal matted. If you're topping 20 mph, try also backing off til you're going 19 mph and feel the difference. After using a variety of carts over time, I've kinda gotten a bit of a feel for what general speed I'm probably going. I clocked the last cart we rented with our GPS - it topped out at 26-27 on level ground. Slowing down to 19 was a VERY noticable difference.

Old 10-19-2010, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by memason View Post
Here's what I find interesting in reading the posts on this thread. If I look at the average age thread, 65% of those that responded are between the ages of 55 and 64...this is MY GENERATION... This is the same generation that went to Woodstock, drove hot Cameros and Mustangs, drag raced down main street and some might have even tried the pharmaceuticals along the way What happened ????

Now, we seem to think that a golf cart going 25 MPH is a huge hazard and we feel so much better that the Sheriff's Dept. is out in full force handing out citations. There seems to be so much drama, always citing the worse case scenario... ie. someone is going to get killed... loose their home and life savings, etc....

Sorry, I just don't get it
Thank God!!; I'm not alone. I haven't posted on this thread because I figured I'd get reamed if I suggested that the other posters were kinda, well, fuddy-duddy. Rock on Memason, Rock ON!!
Old 10-19-2010, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by foxmeadow View Post
Now that the police are cracking down on speeding golf carts, I feel sooooooo
much safer. Excuse me, but the only thing I see accomplished is about $14,000 in the county coffer's. It didn't rid us of the underage driver's, the people with small children on their laps while driving, the towels covering the rear tail lights, too many bodies in a 2 passenger cart, failing to signal turns, turning left from the far right hand lane and on and on. The reason I am so cynical is due to the police power being used while we continue to see homes being burglarized, articles being stolen from carts in broad daylight, autos left in driveways in the evening being broken into, golf courses being vandalized, etc. Those of you who get so worked up at carts passing you, probably fear they will get an open parking spot at the square, or, worse yet, a chair at the square that you might have gotten if the line of carts would just stay behind you. You are the cart going 16 mph, but you are safer??? Maybe they just had to get to the 2 for 1 before it closed. Sorry, I do not see carts that go 5 mph over the speed limit as a major problem, nor the value in the appropriation of police manpower.
You are right on the money .....How about police addressing the real crime in the area instead of staying here in the villages where its safe and writing tickets to gram-ma and grampa.............No wonder some are losing respect for police officers....
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be, Also
my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Old 10-19-2010, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by The Great Fumar View Post
You are right on the money .....How about police addressing the real crime in the area instead of staying here in the villages where its safe and writing tickets to gram-ma and grampa.............No wonder some are losing respect for police officers....
The Sun is doing a pretty good job covering all the news here. I am reading more of the police activity. Seems they are doing a pretty good job on "real" crime as well as attempting to keep our streets safe.

The problem of addressing real crime is it is not something they necessarily look for. It is usually a case of responding. They don't know when some thug is going to rob a convenience store, for example. But they are catching that thug with some regularity. They are making drug busts. They are catching DUI violators, parole violators and other bad types. We don't seem to have a problem here with burglaries but we did a few years back. The police seemed to have handled that well.

Addressing traffic law violators is another matter. They look for them. They are finding plenty of them. There is nothing wrong, in my opinion, expending time and money keeping our streets safer by enforcing traffic laws.

I, for one, am not one who has lost any respect for the police. To the contrary, I have gained respect.

BTW, what "real crime in the area" are they not addressing?
Old 10-19-2010, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by RichieLion View Post
Thank God!!; I'm not alone. I haven't posted on this thread because I figured I'd get reamed if I suggested that the other posters were kinda, well, fuddy-duddy. Rock on Memason, Rock ON!!
I am on the Memason and RichieLion's side of the proverbial fence.
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