Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

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Old 09-20-2007, 07:05 PM
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Default Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

From The Villages Daily Sun Sept 20, 2007 "Residents who are observed driving golf carts at speeds greater than 20 mph in the Sumter County portion of The Villages soon will begin receiving citations for operating a motor vehicle without registration.

Those who receive these citations should be aware that they carry a harsher potential penalty than do speeding tickets.

Villagers who receive this citation must appear before a judge in Bushnell and risk accumulating points against their driver's license and even time in the Sumter County Detention Center. After the courts have assigned a penalty, offenders face the prospect of increased auto insurance premiums."

I think this is a good move. Any other opinions.
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Old 09-20-2007, 07:32 PM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

I am missing something here. Why the ticket for driving a vehicle that is not registered and not just a speeding ticket. If that is the case couldn't everyone get a ticket for driving a unregistered vehicle?
Old 09-20-2007, 07:50 PM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

Depends on how they enforce this. 20.1 miles per hour in a golf cart the same penalty as 24 or 25 mph in a golf cart. They should get the people who are a real safety hazard to others and theirselves and not just try to fill their quotas.

I have seen golf carts zip by on golf cart paths going what looks like 22 or miles per hour. These are not really designed to share quick moving golf carts along with pedestrians, dog-walkers, bicyclists, joggers, etc. They should try to protect these people from their own lead foots by ticketing them.

The higher penalties for golf cart violators seem a bit harsh though. This was in the article too? :dontknow:
Old 09-20-2007, 07:56 PM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

The article continues, " Golf carts aren't manufactured to go faster than 20 mph for a reason: the brakes, tires and steering are all designed to handle only up to 19.5 mph. said Mike Tucker, fire chief of the District Public Safety Department. At higher speeds, they're not just a lot less safe, they're dangerous.----If drivers want to exceed 20 mph, they need to purchase a low-speed vehicle, which is equipped with hydraulic brakes and a stronger suspension system that make it safe to operate at higher speeds.

He went on to say a golf cart may be covered on the operator's homeowners policy whereas a low speed vehicle must be covered on an auto insurance policy and it must be registered as if it were an automobile.
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Old 09-20-2007, 10:26 PM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

I totally agree with the process. As stated, golf carts are not equipped to handle speeds over 19.5 MPH. What is there not to understand? I hope Marion and Lake enforce it also.

I have been in a cart that was going faster and I could feel it. On a turn, the arm on theside is not high enough to keep you in the cart if you are not paying attention. By the time I got to our destination, I was ready to jump out and kiss the ground. When we go out now, I ride in the other cart or I drive.

These are not toys and some people treat them like toys. Feet on the dash while they drive with one hand on the roof and one hand on the steering wheel. One slip and you are off the cart part and overcorrect and KABOOM!!!

Did you read the article it he Sun the other day about the guy that was hit head on by an LSV and went through the windshield? After several operations he is okay, but no more pickleball or tennis.

Drive careful and don't speed. Leave early so you do not have to take risks.
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Old 09-21-2007, 09:25 AM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

Let me ask a stupid question: How do you find out a golf cart is going 19.5, or 20.1 or 22 MPH? I've never seen one with a speedometer. Are the differences that preceptable? :dontknow:
Old 09-21-2007, 09:47 AM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

Unless they are "souped up", a golf cart will only go 20miles per hour--even with gas peddle all the way down. When we were looking for golf carts one dealership asked us if we wanted it adjusted to go faster than the 20 mph limit. We didn't buy there.
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Old 09-21-2007, 09:54 AM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

Every once in a while the police will put that radar screen out so you can test your cart. They used to do it in the parking lot up in Marion county. With the pedal to the floor, I could not get past 19.
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Old 09-21-2007, 10:36 AM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

Thanks. That makes sense.
Old 09-21-2007, 12:49 PM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

I put a bicycle speedometer on our cart from Walmart, less than $20. It works well and is quite accurate. You just have to calibrate it to your wheel size. It also has an odometer, tripmeter, and other goodies that cyclists use.
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Old 09-21-2007, 01:04 PM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

Originally Posted by chacam
I put a bicycle speedometer on our cart from Walmart, less than $20. It works well and is quite accurate. You just have to calibrate it to your wheel size. It also has an odometer, tripmeter, and other goodies that cyclists use.
That sounds like a great idea. Beside speed, I like to be able to track mileage to places. I'm surprised the dealers don't offer them.
Old 09-21-2007, 04:54 PM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

Originally Posted by SteveFromNY
Let me ask a stupid question: How do you find out a golf cart is going 19.5, or 20.1 or 22 MPH? I've never seen one with a speedometer. Are the differences that preceptable? :dontknow:
Our golf cart now goes tops 19.5 on a flat area. I will have to watch out on down inclines. If someone in a golf cart passes me, then that person is probably going at least 20 MPH if not more. I also try to get an idea of how fast the golf carts are going by watching how quickly the cars and trucks go by.
Old 09-21-2007, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

The speedometer is a great idea.

Speeders should be ticketed, it's dangerous, so I have no problem with police ticketing.
Old 09-21-2007, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

When I get pulled over for speeding I just tell them I borrowed the cart and when they ask me who it belongs to I just reply
At my age I can't remember !!!!!! They usually don't want to get involved.................
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be, Also
my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Old 09-22-2007, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: Sumter will ticket golf cart drivers who are speeding

I live in Sumter on one of the more heavily traveled village streets. I am soooo happy to see the police speed traps being set up on my street, and, actually ticketing cart drivers and auto drivers for speeding. Folks these laws on carts are not new. They have always been max 20mph. Those people who soup-up their carts or take the governors off the carts, are doing it deliberately in order to gain speed over the other cart drivers who are obeying the law. Should they be ticketed when caught doing 35mph? (you better believe there are carts out there doing 35 and they are not street legal LSVs) I see it happen every day. They actually pass automobiles who are doing the legal speed of 25mph on my street. I say, not only ticket them for speeding, but also ticket them for driving an unregistered vehicle, not having seat belts and windshield wipers, and any other regulation they may have violated. The higher the fine, the less important the speed their vehicle can reach will seem to them. Here in TV it seems to be VERY important to some people that they own the fastest and most expensive carts available. And, the drivers are not only men. The ladies must be afraid that they might miss their next hairdresser appointment. Ticket, ticket, ticket. :cop: :#1:
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