Are there any Veterans here?

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Old 10-13-2007, 04:40 AM
FireOnWindCSR FireOnWindCSR is offline
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Default Re: Are there any Veterans here? Army

Enlisted in the Army 1985 E-4, 1988 Commisioned 2nd LT - Old Dominion Univ, Ft Sill, Ft Bragg, Ft McClellan, Ft Campbell. Fun stuff. Fold socks, underwear, dig holes, clean and shoot arms, etc... made a lot quality friends. Lost a brother on PAN AM flt over Scotland
The best exercise for the heart is to reach down and help someone up.
Old 10-13-2007, 10:13 AM
JRietz JRietz is offline
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Default Re: Are there any Veterans here?

I was in the USAF during the Vietnam War, but was never involved with it. I have never referred to myself as a Vietnam Vet as it just didn't seem appropriate. Recently, I found that I am a Vet - a Vet of the Cold War.

It appears that in the 1998 National Defense Authorization Act, Secretary of Defense approved awarding Cold War Recognition Certificates to all members of the armed forces and qualified federal government civilian personnel who faithfully and honorably served the United States any time during the Cold War era, Sept. 2, 1945, through Dec. 26, 1991.

For more information and the way to get your certificate, go to this page (it seems the Army has the task of handling this for everyone qualified):
You will probably be notified about an unknown certifying authority ( duh), but since you only print out the form it shouldn't be a problem.

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Old 10-13-2007, 01:11 PM
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Default (Marine Mom) Re: Are there any Veterans here?

Wow! Thanks to ALL of you who have defended our rights here on homeland ground.

I have never been in the military. I did think about it as a teen, but got involved in the computer field instead. Dang, keypunch class! *chuckle*

My brother was a Marine in the 60's.

I am currently a "Proud Marine Mom" to LCpl Andrew S Rainey, currently away for 30 days of special training at Yuma, AZ. He called me right before he went because he knew there would be no contact until his return to 29 Palms. Drew trained at MCRD, San Diego. Then, went East, and then back to Silverdale, WA (Naval Submarine Base Bangor) for 3 years. 29 Palms was quite an awakening for him. He speaks of the 'cold wave' of only 90 degree days.

He says he will be deployed to Iraq sometime from March-June of next year. His 5 years is up in 2009. But he does speak of wanting to be out so someone isn't telling him what to do all the time. *grin* I did not encourage reenlistment (he was thinking about that) but I did let him know there will always be someone telling him what to do. But, I think I know "what he really means". He's a kid that has always gotten himself in situations of great discipline, so who knows what he will decide.

I love him for what he is and what he's doing for all of us, just as I'm thankful for ALL the veterans. My POW for whom I wore a silver bracelet for many years during the Vietnam war was never found. I think about him everyday.

Rebekah (eujaynia)
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