There was an Emergancy/must read

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Old 11-16-2007, 11:02 PM
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Default Re: There was an Emergancy/must read

Ok Red, here's da deal ;D
[center]I was coming down next week with the thoughts of PB& Jelly samwitches for Thanksgiving, so you see, this is not a setback[center]
I was thinkin that now I'll boogie down to "Sweetbaby" and pick up some Turkey Balogna. This way we can upgrade to a classier samwitch
Whatcha think?? I'll even deliver. You want pickles with that??
Handie :joke:
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Old 11-16-2007, 11:35 PM
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Default Re: There was an Emergancy/must read

Sounds like a plan Handi.

Well, now it looks like a few more days here. My oxygen level dropped to the point where I should be incoherent. Keep trying to tell them I slept all scrunched up and that didn't fly with them. They can't figure out why all their tests are negative! SHEESH
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Old 11-17-2007, 12:39 AM
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Default Re: There was an Emergancy/must read

Good luck and may God bless to you, your Mom and your family. Mine is scheduled for removal after Thanksgiving. Just hope to make it by then without any rush to the hospital. Was told they do 3 small cuts and 1 larger where it gets removed. That it's in and out same day if all goes well.

If they need to make a large incision they claim 4 to 5 day stay and 4 to 6 weeks in recovery so no golf till mid January. I can't have that and hope that your Mom has the same day in and out surgery.
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Old 11-17-2007, 02:10 AM
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Default Re: There was an Emergancy/must read

Originally Posted by redwitch
Wished they'd let me out but not til bodily functions happen. And, how pray tell do they expect my body to do anything on only liquids. Doctors are soooooooooooooo unreasonable.

Since Donna is such a great organizer, I will PM her with my home address and she can handle as appropriate.

And I'm really bummed about Thanksgiving but just can't do it.
Hang in there Redwitch. Gallbladder got had to be a piece of cake compared to child birth. Just so you're okay is all that matters to the rest of us. :bigthumbsup: And yeah, what a helluva way to lose weight. ;D
Old 11-17-2007, 02:25 AM
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Default Re: There was an Emergancy/must read


Glad to hear from you. Be patient, you'll be home soon.
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