TOTV Float??

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Old 01-28-2008, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: TOTV Float??


I'm flattered by your comments.

Mardi Gras...It was a good party last year but I don't recall a formal parade.

St Patrick's Day....last year was a very good parade and party. My guess is that will be your next best bet for a parade entry. We should all keep an eye out in the paper for parade entry procedures.

Other parades last year were Columbus Day, Oktoberfest, and Christmas; For July 4th there were some informal caravans of golf carts going around the Villages. I can't remember if Cinco De Mayo was just a party or a parade and a party. There were also parties/special celebrations for Tartan Day (Scots) and Dyngus Day (Polish Holiday).

Maryland (DC Suburbs) - first 51 years
The Villages - next 51 years
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