Trespassing by tax appraisers

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Old 05-05-2008, 02:12 AM
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Default Re: Trespassing by tax appraisers

Can anyone tell me what the appraisors do when they have to enter a courtyard villa and the owner has a lock on their gate.... do they bust it down or just just jump over it? ???
Oswego, NY
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Old 05-06-2008, 07:56 PM
Sidney Lanier Sidney Lanier is offline
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Default Re: Trespassing by tax appraisers

Here in NYS we have a townwide property reassessment done about once every ten years, and while individual homeowners do not receive specific appointment times, we are ALL notified that the reassessment is taking place, that the inspectors will come onto our property, and they will officially identify themselves if the homeowners are at home. What's the big deal? I've never heard of any of these inspectors peering into windows, and a complaint would be warranted if one were seen doing so, but beyond these rarities which certainly can happen, these men and women are simply doing their jobs (which has nothing to do with how we feel about paying our property taxes...).
Old 05-06-2008, 08:13 PM
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Default Re: Trespassing by tax appraisers

Originally Posted by Talk Host
What is the perimeter of your castle? The entire property? Just the inside of your house? What if they were allowed to take the next step....come inside?

Doesn't it seem that if the police have to have a warrant to come on your property, shouldn't other government agencies at least announce themselves? I have no problem with them appraising my property. We all have to pay taxes. I want our goverment to announce itself before it comes onto my property.

I personally am not willing to allow just anybody from the government to traipse onto my land without permission. I am sure that others will think it is okay.

If you were to look out your bedroom window, into your back yard and there were two guys right outside the window in your bushes, would it be a deal of any size then? There have been over 50 burglaries, many daytime, in and around the Villages recently.
"Blurgary" was my first thought when I read the first post. Hmm... what a nice cover to peek in someone's windows to see if "it's worth the risk", huh? And for the benefit of the Appraiser's safety ... I'd announce myself if I were them! Some old codger may just shoot 'em between the eyes simply out of fear! ... OK, that's over the top, but you get my point, right? *grin*
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