Trying to Sell Your Home

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Old 07-30-2007, 07:59 PM
darbyduff darbyduff is offline
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Default Re: Trying to Sell Your Home

Ok...I believe, I believe, I believe.........(Wizard of Oz, right?)

We're thinking positive out here!!! Let's see......

Water skiing, rollerblading, water sports, drinking in the Square.........I WANT TO BE THERE!!!!!

Make that a Margarita!!! And look for my "shaker of salt"! Hope to see you "Real Soon" as Jimmy Dodd once said!

As Az2fla (my favorite person) said.....keep letting all of us know of your progress. I sure we will meet in the square and raise our glasses to all of our good fortune!!! And Az2fla, stay on the board letting all of us know how your doing!!! Esp. when you put up your home!!!
Frigid Minnesota and Colorful Colorado
Old 07-31-2007, 02:17 PM
az2fla az2fla is offline
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Default Re: Trying to Sell Your Home

Hello Darbyduff,

You state in your previous posting: "Ok...I believe, I believe, I believe.........(Wizard of Oz, right?)

Well, nice lady, you SHOULD believe because the Denver metro area was one of the few realty markets that showed a price increase in May over the previous month of April. A 1.1% increase on slightly higher demand for resales. Not huge but a step in the right direction. Many other US city markets showed a dip or virtually unchanged month over month.

I will be very happy for you when I see your posting letting us all know that you have sold your Aurora home and have hired your movers and set your moving date. Keep the faith!
Old 08-01-2007, 08:46 PM
darbyduff darbyduff is offline
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Default Re: Trying to Sell Your Home


We have not had a showing the entire month of July. (our realtor said it's the slowest month because so many people are on vacation). I truly hope your right about the slight change in our market. I read the same thing but I will try to keep the faith. Thanks for thinking of us out here in Colorful Colorado!
Frigid Minnesota and Colorful Colorado
Old 08-01-2007, 08:50 PM
darbyduff darbyduff is offline
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Default Re: Trying to Sell Your Home

Oh Az2fla,

Husband just read your last post here and said that those stats were on homes over a million dollars (He read the same thing in the paper)

Ours is up for a lowly $235,000
Frigid Minnesota and Colorful Colorado
Old 08-01-2007, 09:30 PM
az2fla az2fla is offline
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I had read the latest release of the Case-Schiller Index and it didn't break down the prices of the homes. I just read a real estate article in The Denver Post and noticed that the market in your neck of the woods continues, like most of the US, to remain slow. But, hey, you know that you've got a great house and there IS a buyer out there.
A few years ago I was visiting Lake Chapala, Mexico. It's about 30 minutes outside of Guadalajara and is home to the largest number of US and Canadian citizens outside their homeland. There's even an American Legion post there. The prices of homes (very nice ones I might add) are very, very low by our standards. However, there were so many resales on the market that it makes the current housing glut here seem like nothing at all. It was my estimate that homes remained on the market for, not months, but YEARS! Yikes!
My point is that homes in this country are still selling. Just not at the pace to which we've become accustomed. It is my prayer for you that you'll be enjoying the Christmas decorations in Town Square this year.

And, by the way, I'm almost getting things in order in this house to list it shortly. Now remember: Keep the faith!
Old 08-01-2007, 09:41 PM
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Default Re: Trying to Sell Your Home


What was your impression of Mexico, in particular Lake Chapala? We've been to Cancun and on the drive to Chichen Itza we saw more poverty than I could ever imagine. It's no secret that Mexico is a poor country. I was just curious how an American enclave would survive surrounded by such poverty. Even in Puerto Rico, we've heard you have to hire someone to keep squatters from settling on your property in your absence. I would think Mexico would have similar issues.
Old 08-02-2007, 12:53 AM
az2fla az2fla is offline
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At one time, Lake Chapala must have been quite impressive. However, when we visited about 5 years ago, the water in the lake had receded to an alarmingly low level. I was told that the farmers in the region and the City of Guadalajara were using the water to excess. Don't know if this is true or not but I do know that the lake was about half empty. Case in point: there is a pier that extends a long distance out into the lake. There are rings mounted to the pier in order to tie up a boat. I stood on the end of the pier and watched cattle grazing below me-no water. As for poverty, you bet! The Americans and Canadians started a after-school program in which they entertain the local children with arts and crafts and such. The locals work as gardeners and housekeepers at very low rates. Not because the "outsiders" demand it but because the well-off locals demand it. The Realtor told us that the Americans and Canadians must be "constantly reminded not to pay too much because it makes things worse for everyone else who has to pay for services".

The cost of living was very low. I met a fellow at the American Legion hall who lived there full time in an RV. He had only Social Security (no pension or large savings account) and his wife had NO Social Security. He told me that he lives quite nicely. We toured a few homes. As an example, one of the homes was high on the hillside overlooking Lake Chapala with an unobstructed view. It was a 3-level modern home (American style) with servants quarters on the lower level. The property, itself, was on two levels with a typical backyard on one level, and a beautiful flower garden and a few citrus trees on the second level. The owner had the house on the market for over three years at that time and was asking $45,000 USD.

But for us the poverty situation was uncomfortable and there was evidence that the locals were resentful of the "outsiders". The Mexican economy has come a long way in a short period of time. But I believe the success is limited to the large metropolitan areas and places like Lake Chapala have been left behind. Only my guess since I haven't been back and have no plans to visit again. It was an experience, though.
Old 08-02-2007, 10:26 PM
darbyduff darbyduff is offline
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Default Re: Trying to Sell Your Home


That's it!!!.. We'll have Egg Nog in the Square and sing "White Christmas" together. Let me know when the house goes up! Prayers will be going your way too, my friend!
Frigid Minnesota and Colorful Colorado
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