TV wannabes looking for house rental

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Old 09-11-2007, 08:49 AM
ACME ACME is offline
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Default TV wannabes looking for house rental

Good morning everyone,
This is my first post, although I've been lurking for awhile. It's a hoot reading all of the posts, opinions and just plain fun from our neighbors-to-be. We've been to TV visiting friends twice since Dec. After our first visit we knew that's where we wanted to live.

We will be buying in TV as soon as we possibly can. In the meantime, we find ourselves having to move down there now for our new jobs and are looking for a home to rent for up to a year. We would LOVE to be in TV right away, but don't want to pay high-season rent rates while keeping our MN home heated, etc. So we're looking in the Ocala area and the areas between Ocala and TV. And we're finding LOTS of home rentals available there.

The questions – Are any of you familiar with the areas? Are there areas we should avoid? Do any of you know of any good rentals personally? We would prefer a house - with a garage. Oh yeah – we have a cat. So that in itself narrows the choices down. We welcome, and look forward to, any advice or suggestions from you guys.

Huge thanks ahead of time from Park Rapids, Minnesota
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