Types of grass?

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Old 05-26-2010, 08:44 AM
xlhig xlhig is offline
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Default Types of grass?

What is the type of grass that TV installs on lawns of new homes? It kind of looks like what us northerner's call "crabgrass." Is there a different type of lawn that grows well down here that we can ask them to install when we build our home? Price difference to install? Thanks
Old 05-26-2010, 11:52 AM
GomerPyle GomerPyle is offline
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Default Zoysia Grass will most likely be used in our new home.

Most new homes from Liberty Park south and East including Pennecamp and Buttonwood will be installed with Zoysia Grass, no options.


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Old 05-26-2010, 01:12 PM
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The flora and fauna are different here in Florida than what we northerners are used to. I think you will like Zoysia. It has held up well for us in our first two years and the first year we had drought conditions and last winter was unseasonably frigid.

You can't plant a different grass because it all grows together I have been told.Your grass can overtake another lawn, or their grass could overtake yours. The nice thing about this grass is that it grows much slower than the Ohio grass we left behind.
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