Viilage rule question

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Old 10-31-2009, 04:32 PM
kathy palermo kathy palermo is offline
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Question Viilage rule question

With all we have read on this site about having pets,
barking dogs next door, and running free in the Squares,
we were just wondering what are the rules to having a dog,
is there a leash law or barking dog noise ordenance in the Villages?
Who inforces them if there are any? Is there any part of the
Villages (other than stores and resturants) that might be "pet free" .

We like pets, and have had them as part of our family, but we always respected other people space and kept them on a leash and quiet.

Is this really a concern in the Villages overall ? We hope not.

We do not want to upset anyone, just were wondering about the rules, if

Thank you

Old 10-31-2009, 05:06 PM
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Dogs on leads; cats indoors. It really isn't a problem but for a few people who think their pet is so cute, smart, adorable that it doesn't have to follow the rules or they're totally clueless that their pet is a nuisance and a few curmudgeons who think all pets should be banned from life.
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Old 10-31-2009, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by kathy palermo View Post
With all we have read on this site about having pets, barking dogs next door, and running free in the Squares, we were just wondering what are the rules to having a dog, is there a leash law or barking dog noise ordenance in the Villages? KJP
Dogs must be leashed when off the owner's property.

We purchased in 2007. I've never seen a dog running free in the Squares and we're never been bothered by barking dogs.

Of course I've never seen any nude residents skinny dipping at midnight either.
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Old 11-01-2009, 06:23 AM
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Default Village rule question


Thank you for your reply, glad to here your reply on the dogs.

We will keep a look out for the skinny dippers when we arrive next month.

Have a nice day


Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
Dogs must be leashed when off the owner's property.

We purchased in 2007. I've never seen a dog running free in the Squares and we're never been bothered by barking dogs.

Of course I've never seen any nude residents skinny dipping at midnight either.
Old 11-01-2009, 06:27 AM
kathy palermo kathy palermo is offline
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Default village rule question

Thank you for your reply


Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
Dogs on leads; cats indoors. It really isn't a problem but for a few people who think their pet is so cute, smart, adorable that it doesn't have to follow the rules or they're totally clueless that their pet is a nuisance and a few curmudgeons who think all pets should be banned from life.
Old 11-01-2009, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
Dogs on leads; cats indoors. It really isn't a problem but for a few people who think their pet is so cute, smart, adorable that it doesn't have to follow the rules or they're totally clueless that their pet is a nuisance and a few curmudgeons who think all pets should be banned from life.
Hi , curmudgeon here ,
For the many thousands of you that feel as I do , Are you aware that Wal-mart has just put DAISEY AIR RIFLE'S on sale for Christmas ....

we do our part ... ...Sgt York Fumar
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:19 AM
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Fumar, you are a trip! You will shoot your eye out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were just down at our place for almost two weeks, only heard and dog bark ONCE, and it only barked twice and stopped that one time.

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Old 11-02-2009, 09:25 AM
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Fumar, Fumar.....ten lashes for you!!!

I also have three doggies as my neighbors and have never heard a peep from them, lots of dogs on my road and they are very friendly, and everyone walks around with their little bags.

My number one question when I was thinking of moving here, was my doggies and I am pleased to say it is a very pet friendly town. My doggies love it!

Fumar is kidding (I think hehe).

Old 11-02-2009, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Army Guy View Post
Fumar, you are a trip! You will shoot your eye out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were just down at our place for almost two weeks, only heard and dog bark ONCE, and it only barked twice and stopped that one time.

Army Guy
That's because Fumar was on patrol.
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Old 11-02-2009, 10:59 AM
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Default There is not a dog or pet issue in TV.

As would be expected with any population there is going to be some commentary about the one that "they thought" was a problem. I have never seen a dog running loose at the squares. And the ones there are usually better behaved than the two legged population.

Ditto barking dogs in the neighborhood.

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