Which Village should I move to ?

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Old 06-24-2008, 11:35 AM
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Default Re: Which Village should I move to ?

I don't think the historic side would work since CIB bolded CBS in her question and to my knowledge there are few if any CBS homes on that side. Correct?
Old 06-24-2008, 11:39 AM
carlent carlent is offline
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Default Re: Which Village should I move to ?

yes, that is correct about the lack of CBS. If she can live without that requirement....do you agree that it might work?

Old 06-24-2008, 12:51 PM
SteveZ SteveZ is offline
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Default Re: Which Village should I move to ?

The bottom line is you can't do wrong where ever you go. All of a sudden you see a ceertain house and it's an "Ah-Hah, that is the one!"

Within TV, nothing is that far away from anything. No matter what you want to do, the moment you get here there's a thousand other things you want to do or experience, and they're all in the other rec centers across CR466. that's just the way it is. Murphy's Law definitely rules in pre-analysis of location.

No matter where you end up in TV, it's no more than 10-20 minutes to the other extreme via golf cart.

The best thing is, you no longer have to be "efficient" since you have more time on your hands than while running in the money-making rat race. And that's the hard part - learning to relax and not having to be so efficient that every movement has to be choreographed to maximize what gets done in a finite amount of time.

So, consider finding the within-the-walls space you like first, and then let the rest happen around it. Things just aren't that far away....
Old 06-24-2008, 11:45 PM
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Default Re: Which Village should I move to ?

THANK YOU ALL who replied to my post - and everything you write makes good sense. I will call and order the $5 map.

The thing is.......... here I sit in my Oregon Dream Home and, although I enjoy the awesome scenery, it lacks the amenities of TV so it is enevitable that I'll relocate when my property sells. However, that might be in another year........ SOoooooooooooooooo this preliminary research fulfills a purpose of keeping me motivated and if I do find the TV Home of my Dreams in the Village of choice (online), at the right price, I can always fly east to go look at it & buy it.

As soon as I get the "good TV map" I'll pinpoint the areas y'all mentioned. I do like the historic section but I really would prefer a CBS home. I lived in Miami during Hurricane Andrew '92 (hunkered down in my 75-year-old CBS historic home) so I know what a hurricane and its aftermath feels like. I bought that house in '72 and lived there 20 years when the "BIG ONE" hit Miami. Just the peace of mind of living in a CBS home is worth the extra price for me. ;D

Born in Coney Island, Bklyn NY. My first apartment on my own was in The Village NYC. Now I live in The Village Walk, Sarasota FL
Old 06-25-2008, 01:40 AM
johudd johudd is offline
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Default Re: Which Village should I move to ?

I have the Villages $5.00 map - it was a blessing when we went on our preview tour!!! A realtor sent it to us for $0.00!! Call and ask for one it is invaluable. Good luck
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