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Old 10-13-2007, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

osh....the provision (not sure if it is law or statute) that establishes 55+ communities allows for up to 20% of the homeowners to be under 55. Not sure exactly how they manage the numbers but I am familiar with a number of exceptions.
Maryland (DC Suburbs) - first 51 years
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Old 10-13-2007, 02:31 PM
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

In the fall of '05 we came to Central Florida to meet with Pringle Builders (Legacy and Mount Dora). The homes were fantastic, but we felt the communities were out in the middle of no where. The Villages have everything anyone could want so we made the decision to buy here.
Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
The Villages
Old 10-13-2007, 08:40 PM
bamafan bamafan is offline
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

When we signed the contract to purchase our home in July of this year we had to provide proof that at least one of us was 55 or older to complete the purchase agreement.
Ocala, Florida<br />Birmingham, Alabama<br />TV, Village of Duval
Old 10-13-2007, 09:55 PM
rdkent rdkent is offline
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

I had the same question when I read the post. We don't live in TV but are considering it for retirement. My understanding from all the literature and info we have read was that at least one of us had to be 55 (not a problem, unfortunately, in our case).
Missouri, Bad Hersfeld Germany Michigan, North Carolina, Florida, NY, Missouri
Old 10-14-2007, 12:44 AM
FireOnWindCSR FireOnWindCSR is offline
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Default Re: We need honest answers. 50 years old and living in TV

"Villages07 said, "All of this should have been disclosed to you when you purchased your home. Your 'updated' property tax bill should not have been a surprise.
( Having to do with TV / PROPERTY TAX INCREASE after purchasing home a year ago )

I say, YES, it was a surprise!! Nothing disclosed to me. however, its water under the bridge and I will deal with it. The house sold for $245,000. If I sell it for $100,000 then the taxes should be based on that dollar amount if I correctly understand the statements made previously by persons in this FORUM. Is that correct?

ALSO, my wife and I didnt buy our home through the Villages. While driving down a street in Chula Vista we noticed a sign in the yard from a local realtor. We called them and bought the house the next day.

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Old 10-14-2007, 10:39 AM
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

FireOnWindC said, "I don't understand the estreme disparity which seems to be prevelant throughout "all of The Villages". Can someone shed some property tax light for me? I'm just trying to understand how neighbors on either side of me, with "like" homes are being assessed thousands of dollars less than me. Is this about appeals? Is this about scrutiny of appraissers, tax assessors? Help "

It is not an "all of The Villages" thing, it is an all of Florida thing. I agree that it is not fair, but it is the way Florida property tax laws are structured. Taxes are predicated on the sale price. Your neighbors paid less therefore they pay less. We encountered the same problem when we looked at properties in Naples, Jupiter, North Palm Beach and Islamorada.

TV is still the best deal in Florida. We will not be looking anywhere else.

Old 10-14-2007, 02:56 PM
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

My husband and I are in the same position as those of you considering TV. We plan to retire at end of next year and move as soon as sell our home. Our dilemma is TV or no TV. We plan to visit in May of 08 and compare TV to other communities in the area: Mount Dora, Top of the World, Stone ACreek, Summer Glenn. From what I have seen in brochures I can get a bigger home and with the amenities I want at any of those communities. However, from everything I've read there is no comparison to lifestyle of TV. Are those of you who visited other communities saying that the homes are nice but amenities don't come close? I think those of you who have gone through this dilemma or are considering TV can understand mine. I guess I do have some concerns regarding TV....not being able to choose what I want in my home, the 20% non refundable payment in 10 days, homes being smaller and more expensive, and a few others. I'll have to visit and see. Any suggestions and/or comments are welcome. Thank you for all the information.

Old 10-15-2007, 02:11 PM
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

We bought a house in TV last March after looking at numerous communities. We looked at over 125 houses, trying to come up with a reason why TV would not be the best deal. BUT we kept coming back to TV.....it was our pick and we love it. You get so much for your money when it comes to perks and amenities.
Old 10-15-2007, 02:52 PM
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I think you are beginning to understand that a TV purchase is a complete package, not just a home purchase. You are buying a lifestyle with amenities and convieniences that no other community offers. As far as size of the homes goes, I for one am looking forward to a smaller place. More time to play, less upkeep.
TV is not perfect and some of the requirements for buying a new home are quite restrictive. Each individual needs to way the options and do what suits them best. We were very tempted to buy a new house, what with all the incentives. We found instead a 3 year old home, gently lived in with upgrades , a fair price, and part of the bond payed.
The key is to come and visit, enjoy the experience and look at new and resale homes . It takes time and consideration.
Good luck.
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Old 10-15-2007, 03:48 PM
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

Hey Beady, You took the words right out of my mouth. 8)
The Villages, Florida
Old 10-15-2007, 04:59 PM
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

This topic has gone on with a lot of good points being brought up. The one point I would like to reflect on is, that the person who chooses to pay the price to reside in TV is a unique person. They didn't come here to just sun their bones, spend the rest of their life indoors watching the "tube" and frequent the Dr till they die. The person I see and meet and socialize with in TV is here to enjoy the rest or their life doing things they didn't have time to do while working to be able to reach this point in their life. One evening spent at the Square watching people dance and smile and laugh relaxing while listening to the music will convince you that the folks in TV are special. Not better than any other retirement resident but they come with an attitude that , by gosh, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my life to the fullest. TV is the great eradicator of all previous attitudes and inhibitions, it reminds me of basic training where after we all got the skinhead haircut and the same uniform, once again we all become equal. The guy you strike up a conversation with at the square might have been a CEO with a megabuck retirement, but at the square were all just "good ole folks" having a good time. I have begun NOT asking what folks did prior to coming to TV. I like to think of the meeting as a beginning of new friendship and their prior stature in life really shouldn't matter
Handie :joke:
Upstate NY and The Villages-If your not living on the edge, your taking up way too much room."
Old 10-15-2007, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

Originally Posted by handieman

This topic has gone on with a lot of good points being brought up. The one point I would like to reflect on is, that the person who chooses to pay the price to reside in TV is a unique person. They didn't come here to just sun their bones, spend the rest of their life indoors watching the "tube" and frequent the Dr till they die. The person I see and meet and socialize with in TV is here to enjoy the rest or their life doing things they didn't have time to do while working to be able to reach this point in their life. One evening spent at the Square watching people dance and smile and laugh relaxing while listening to the music will convince you that the folks in TV are special. Not better than any other retirement resident but they come with an attitude that , by gosh, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my life to the fullest. TV is the great eradicator of all previous attitudes and inhibitions, it reminds me of basic training where after we all got the skinhead haircut and the same uniform, once again we all become equal. The guy you strike up a conversation with at the square might have been a CEO with a megabuck retirement, but at the square were all just "good ole folks" having a good time. I have begun NOT asking what folks did prior to coming to TV. I like to think of the meeting as a beginning of new friendship and their prior stature in life really shouldn't matter
Handie :joke:
hear hear!!
No previous place matters anymore TV's Spanish Springs Villas 6.30.08
Old 10-15-2007, 07:01 PM
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

You are so right. We are all starting a new era in our lives. Who cares what we did "before". All
that really matters is we have chosen a great place to live, relax and be ourselves with no pretenses.
Beady and Captain 1202
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Old 10-15-2007, 07:19 PM
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

When we purchased a home in tv, friends of ours in Michigan came down to see came down to see what we were raving about. He is a past president of the Home builders assoc.... After he looked over the house with a fine tooth comb, He stated that it was some of the finest finish work he had ever seen, which needless to say made us feel very good.....
But what really sold us on the Villages was the new neighbor across the street making the comment that "PEOPLE IN THE VILLAGES DON'T DIE OF OLD AGE, THEY DIE OF EXAUSTION".
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be, Also
my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Old 10-15-2007, 08:33 PM
phillisk phillisk is offline
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Default Re: We need honest answers.

After visiting other areas, we chose TV because of all the amenities that are here.
Everything is not perfect, but it is better here than most other places and the people
here are great. We have friends and more friends and enjoy our life to the fullest. is that not what we all want in our retirement years. Some of the things that I looked for
was shopping, housing, things to do, medical care, weather. this place had it all.
The infra-structure was built first and then came the houses. I think that is different
than any other place that we visited. Each must come here and visit and do all the things
that you can while here and then make an informed choice.

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