Wellness Center Relocation

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Old 01-17-2009, 08:29 AM
carole131 carole131 is offline
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Default Wellness Center Relocation

I can't understand how this would be an improvement. Our current Wellness Center has everything we need, all on one level. That seems practical for everyone, whether able-bodied or not. There is no mention of the important pool & relaxing hot tub facilities . It seems quite evident that the current Wellness Center facility will be transformed to an adjunct building or space for the hospital expansion. The newly proposed space will be in an already heavily travelled area, as well.

Last edited by carole131; 01-17-2009 at 08:36 AM.
Old 01-17-2009, 09:25 AM
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Default Now how could anybody expect TV Happy Paper to

have anything negative to report about the move. Let me think...aha!!! TV owned enterprise the happy paper reporting on another TV owned enterprise.
Do you notice how many times per month there is an article in the happy paper about what the wellness center offers. And a story almost every month in TV magazine?
Swimming pool? What swimming pool? Unhappy members? Where? In TV wellness center? Can't be...eh?

Old 01-17-2009, 12:46 PM
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Default My wannabee two-cents worth.........

Saddened by the prospect of having no indoor swimming pool within the confines of The Villages, I can only guess the move will somehow be profitable $$$ to the owners. Isn't $$$ usually the bottom line ?

Born in Coney Island, Bklyn NY. My first apartment on my own was in The Village NYC. Now I live in The Village Walk, Sarasota FL
Old 01-17-2009, 02:09 PM
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Default CIB....my guess is you are 100% correct...

TV has been trying to lease the old sales center since they moved to LSL. No takers for past 2 years. The property near the hospital and Sharon B. Morse building is or will be highly desirable for medical professionals. So they are moving to optimize assets.
There was no mention of the pool situation in the article in this mornings paper which means (IMHO) it will not be available once they move. There is no way they would not comment on it if it were still a part of the new entity (as some on the other thread have heard).

TV is sort of like our representatives in Washington...they only do what is in their best interest and we the people have no part or consideration.

Still not reason enough to not move to TV.

Old 01-17-2009, 05:01 PM
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CIB said:

Saddened by the prospect of having no indoor swimming pool within the confines of The Villages, I can only guess the move will somehow be profitable $$$ to the owners. Isn't $$$ usually the bottom line ?

I think we sometimes forget that the town squares, the buffalo, the wellness center, etc., aren't ours. They aren't "owned" by the residents and we don't pay for them as part of our amenities.

A privately-owned business does what is necessary to make a profit or ends up closing its doors. And sadly, we've seen plenty of that with local restaurants and even the new bakery shop in Buffalo Ridge.
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Old 01-17-2009, 06:58 PM
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I have no way of having inside information, but I find it nearly impossible to think that the Villages will not offer some kind of pool at the new wellness center. They know how important it is to the residents. They always make every effort to do the best possible job. Wait and see, I believe they will have a pool and the associated hot tubs and saunas.
Old 01-17-2009, 08:52 PM
downeaster downeaster is offline
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I have to agree with CB and Barefoot.

Private enterprise does not do things to be Mr Nice Guy. They have to see a benefit somewhere. That benefit is usually $$$$$$.
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