What do you like least about the Villages

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Old 07-10-2007, 06:58 PM
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Default Re: What do you like least about the Villages

A subject I can really respond to. What don't I like about the Villages.

First of all, I wouldn't live anywhere else. This is not just a community of houses, it is a wonderful lifestyle for people who are retired and want to live here full time. We appreciate all the activities and don't feel embarrassed at all to share it all with family and friends when they visit. My nephews who are in their late 30's have said they can see why we love this place and they hope they can live here when they retire!

Now, for dislikes. I resent the fact that the Daily Sun does NOT publish all the news. You will rarely see any "bad" news about things that happen in the Villages in the Sun. For example, in recent weeks, there have been five break-ins in the Village of Tall Trees alone. This information came from the Sumter Sheriff's Department. I have NEVER seen a word about it in our local "newspaper" which I consider the funny paper! We are not so old and frail that we can't handle the truth and we need to know about crimes in the Villages so we can protect ourselves and our homes.

Secondly, I wish the sales staff had been more truthful with us when we were looking at homes. Regardless of what I have since found out, I would still have selected the Villages but we were not told about the fact that we, as courtyard villa owners, were responsible for repair and replacement of the stucco walls if they were damaged or destroyed. We are now told "it is in your paperwork" but unfortunately, we didn't read all the small print.

We were told that our amenities would be grandfathered but we have had two increases in the two years we have lived here. Because we have excellent amenities, I really don't mind the increase but it would have been nice to be told the truth.

The issue of the "bond" was never fully explained to us. Had it been, I would not have been so resentful when I had to make out that very large check to avoid having what could have amounted to something like a second mortgage payment.

Living in Villas, we are very restricted as to what we can do landscaping-wise, etc. The so-called Neighborhood Watch drives around the Villas telling us to remove items we have placed on our property such as a small table and chair. This only applies to Villas as we are more restricted than other home sites.

All this being said, again, I still would not move out of the Villages. There is simply no other place with such a wonderful lifestyle for retirees.

One last thing, I am tired of local businesses thinking we are all rich since the developer advertises..."Live the Millionaire Lifestyle". I am enjoying life but I am not a millionaire and don't live like one!

Sorry I rambled on but these are pet peeves of mine.
Fran Gyomory
The Bronx, NY; Kailua, HI; Dale City, VA; Fredericksburg, VA; The Villages, FL
Old 07-10-2007, 10:29 PM
ditzyfitzy ditzyfitzy is offline
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Default Re: What do you like least about the Villages

I do not live in The Villages, yet.* Are you saying that you can't put what you want in your own yard if you own a courtyard villa?* Does this mean only in the front--or are there restrictions on the backyard as well?
Old 07-11-2007, 03:33 AM
mike1946 mike1946 is offline
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Default Re: What do you like least about the Villages

Absolutely love the villages and would live there longer if the government would let me (I'm a Brit and am restricted to 6 months)

Pet Hates. Driver who don't know how to drive a circle - if you are in the outside lane you are exiting at the next exit !! therefore you can't get cut across !! if you are going further around the circle you use the inside lane and move to outside when you want to exit (using your turn signal) - Village drivers don't ever hire a car in the UK and drive like you do in the villages - you will probably die within a day !!

Restaurants that close at 9pm - GRRRR - also don't take reservations meaning you wait for ages till gone 8 o clock and then the place closes down around your ears !!! Most places in the UK don't even OPEN till 7 o clock ...why does everyone have to eat so early !!!

Never heard of anyone being restricted on what they put in their yard - I live in country club hills and some of the yard decorations are really quirky and fun - for all you new folks take a ride over to the hysterical (historical) side and see bigger lots and big trees - the best pool - the best (and cheapest) course and lots of relaxed friendly folk.

Slight pet hate - Lack of awareness - people will stop and chat in a doorway whilst you are trying to get past or in the middle of an aisle in Publix etc. it happens quite a lot - also people who ignore the one way system in the publix car park on Bichera Blvd.

Everything else is just fine - however (nothing to do with the villages) I find USA bureaucracy and lack of flexibility and form filling to be absolutely horrendous !!

Sorry I've rambled on - cheers all - continue this chat at the Tikki Bar at OBH between dec-may
Old 07-11-2007, 06:25 AM
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Default Re: What do you like least about the Villages

In order to do anything in the FRONT yard you need permission from the architectural committee. The back yard is ok for what you want unless you want to remove a tree planted by the developer.

The front yards are limited so that the courtyard villas continue to look the same. We can't paint our driveway or put lawn decorations out. I am told the reason for this comes from the historic side where they have all kinds of lawn decorations because they had no restrictions and some are a bit gaudy.

Courtyard villas can decorate for holidays but don't expect to be able to put any concrete decorations on your front lawn or to paint your driveway. Also, when you paint your home outside, you must continue to use the original color.

Just a bit of information for you.
Fran Gyomory
The Bronx, NY; Kailua, HI; Dale City, VA; Fredericksburg, VA; The Villages, FL
Old 07-16-2007, 04:53 PM
BethS BethS is offline
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Default Re: What do you like least about the Villages

I Love the Villages!!! There is something for everyone, I live north of 441 and we have 3 pools for use here unless we want to travel a bit further across the bridge. One is for Families, a nice pool and I frequent it often. Two are adult pools, one with a hot tub and they are open till 11:00 each night, how can you beat that? We have great neighbors and each yard is decorated to the taste of the owner, gaudy to some maybe but it is someones home and if thats what they love then I respect that. Thats what makes the world go round and remember we do have choices here, we live in the good old USA.
Live, Love and Laugh
Old 07-17-2007, 03:17 AM
mike1946 mike1946 is offline
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Default Re: What do you like least about the Villages

Back on the 'front yard' question again - I live on the 4th Tee of OBH and when they remodelled the course and changed the tee's I bought the old granite tee market ..its a about 8 feet long (3 feet in the ground) 15 inches wide and 4 inches thick and weighs 800 lbs - I set it up in my front yard and it stands about 5 1/2 feet high ..lots of folks passing stop and remark on how good it looks and ask why it's there etc ..I've met loads of folks that way - I jokingly tell them that it is the original tee and that they then built the houses in the way !! Ha Ha !!
Old 07-17-2007, 09:23 AM
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Default Re: What do you like least about the Villages

While TV is referred to the friendliest home town, there is a significant percentage of these so called friendlies that turn into nasty, rude and very dangerous when they get behind the wheel of their car.
If you use your turn signal to get over they close the gap.
They will just short of run you down in a traffic circle.
They will cut you off in a heart beat.
They ride your bumper when one does the speed limit.

Just where do all these retired people have to get to in such a hurry....speeding in The Villages is terrible.

I just spent 6 weeks in Tennessee and did not have one road altercation until I got back yesterday.

The Villages Drivers (a certain percent) are just plain nasty people!!!!

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