What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?

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Old 06-30-2008, 06:54 PM
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Default Re: What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?

Blue & Sam you support my point.

Russ, after you've been here a while you'll see what I mean. There are more BAD, I mean TERRIBLE, CLUELESS driver's here than even Massachusetts, which after 35 years there, I was convinced had the WORST drivers in the world. (Even worse than Tel Aviv).

I ALWAYS think about what the judge will say on that day in court. I can hear it now..

"So, Mr. Captain, the way I understand it you saw the cart pulling in front of you but you sped up to get (but hit the cart) by because you had the right of way? Is that correct?"

I rest my case.
Old 06-30-2008, 07:21 PM
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Default Re: What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?

Originally Posted by captain1202
What's with the grumpy old men in golf carts? ???

On numerous occasions, when in the car, I have had occasion to attempt to allow a cart to pass in front of me. Perhaps I was stopped at a gate, or maybe I was not certain of the cart's intentions so I slowed or stopped. Notwithstanding the "carts yield to cars" rule, if a car is stopped and has waived a cart on, I see no reason for the cart driver to flip you the bird or for the auto driver to be the recipient of a verbal fusilade. Can't we just be courteous from time to time?

Maybe I'll modify my behavior and plow on through. In my profession I am always looking out for the other guy, but as my boss says, "don't worry about those small boats, thousands of stupid people get killed every day". Perhaps the same applies to carts.
Captain, I think you're mixing apples and oranges. You originally stated you stop for golf carts and then were surprised if the drivers of the carts berated you (very rudely, it appears) for doing so. Now, you're claiming the issue is really the bad driving here.

I slow down for golf carts. If I don't think they are going to stop, I do stop. I use the same common sense driving around carts that I do around cars -- they frequently don't use their signals but the angle of the car, the slowing down give me a clue they are going to turn. I leave enough room so that I can safely stop even when they slam on their brakes. I refuse to be beside another vehicle in the roundabouts and will slow down or speed up to prevent this from occurring. For golf carts, I watch to see if they are slowing down at gates. If they are on the road, I pass them as safely as possible. If I can't safely pass, I'll slow down until I get the chance to pass. If I am at a gate and it is obvious I am going to be sitting, I'll point at the car in front of me or the traffic light and wave the cart through. This has always gotten me a smile or a wave and the cart SAFELY getting through. Otherwise, I expect the cart to wait for me to go through (but I still watch to make sure they are going to stop).

Now, if you're willing to speed up to get through before the golf cart, you darn well deserve the lecture by the judge (and the resulting fines). If I see a cart insisting on the right of way, I have no problem letting it have it.

As to TV being the worst drivers in the world, sorry, but I totally disagree. Tel Aviv drivers are much worse. Israeli drivers in general are awful. It is truly the only country I actually took my rental back and said I'm not driving. Roman drivers are also much worse. Moscow is no fun. And I won't comment on Boston drivers (another city I refuse to drive in). TV does require being very alert. There are drivers here who have no business being behind the wheel of anything -- cart or car. However, I'd say the majority are at least okay drivers and some of them are downright excellent.
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Old 06-30-2008, 11:04 PM
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Default Re: What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?

Originally Posted by Russ_Boston
I think you answered your own question. The problem isn't you being courteous it is the guy behind you in the car who KNOWS that you are not stopping. When you do stop accidents can happen. It has been documented on this site before how many times accidents have happened because of what you did especially at gates.

Granted the cart driver shouldn't be rude but for the system to work ALL must abide by the rules.

When we were down in May, we had to come to a complete stop while entering a roundabout. I can't tell you how many times we almost got hit by someone not yielding.
It was frightening!

I don't know about in FL, but here if you run into the back of someone-for any reason-
YOU are at fault. Its called "inattentive driving" You must be in control and ready to stop
at all times.

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Old 07-01-2008, 04:24 AM
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Default Re: What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?


I think we're on the same page. My reference to driving was meant to encompass both carts and cars.
Old 07-01-2008, 05:13 AM
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Default Re: What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?

But you went from cart drivers flipping you off and yelling at you because you stopped from them and then switched to bad drivers. For the ones in carts who yelled at you for stopping for them, I do believe their attitude was wrong even though they were right that you shouldn't stop for them for the safety of all. Slow down to make sure they are going to stop, yes. Stop for them when they've stopped, no.

So, is the complaint about the attitude of some or the bad driving of others? Or just a general change of tune to encompass both?
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Old 07-01-2008, 06:35 AM
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Default Re: What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?

Old 07-01-2008, 12:50 PM
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Default Re: What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?

Peg - going into a roundabout you need to stop if someone already occupies the circle and wait for an opening. I had no issues with the roundabouts while there for a week. Yes if you hit someone from behind you are at fault. Unless of course if the guy in front is backing up! (It happened to my son - the driver backing up was ruled at fault).

Bottom line to all of this is that a cautious driver obeying the rules is a good driver.
Old 07-01-2008, 03:04 PM
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Default Re: What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?

Please, don't try to turn a growing attitude issue into a rules of the road issue. We see driving attitudes changing very negatively every day through out America. We can't wait to catch someone doing something that we deem to worthy of "flipping the finger". As a matter of fact, as Americans we are falling into that "ugly American" stereotype. That stereotype the rest of the world sees us as. Please don't change TV into another, Chicago, Boston, New York, DC, LA, etc. Maybe somebody does do something stupid and perhaps even dangerous, but do you really think "flipping the finger" and cursing is going to make the situation more positive. Try to be a little more patient and nicer to each other, after all you all are neighbors, aren't you?? And I really hope that I am among you all as soon as I can sell my house up north.
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Old 07-01-2008, 03:53 PM
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Default Re: What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?

Fullrob is so right. Ugliness begets ugliness. Smiles and waves (without digital involvement)
will go much farther in keeping TV an oasis of happy people.
The Villages, Florida
Old 07-01-2008, 03:58 PM
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Default Re: What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?

Originally Posted by samhass
Fullrob is so right. Ugliness begets ugliness. Smiles and waves (without digital involvement)
will go much farther in keeping TV an oasis of happy people.
I think of the golf cart as a bicycle. Proceeding with caution at all times. Enjoying the ride. Waving and smiling. NEVER digitally! LOL
Old 07-01-2008, 06:33 PM
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Default Re: What;s With The Attitude in "America's Friendliest Hometown"?

I usually honk loud and frequently at the people who stop in the MIDDLE OF TRAFFIC to let a cart go by. I guess some people just don't understand the idea of "The right of way". One of these days a family is going to plow into one of these people stopping in the middle of the road for a cart and someone is going to get seriously hurt.

Use commom sense people, don't STOP when there IS NO STOP SIGN. :
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