When you have guests

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Old 08-31-2007, 06:19 AM
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Default When you have guests

When you have guests, where do you take them? Do you enjoy showing off The Villages? How do you plan your day? Do you get passes for day guests?
Chicago, Cary, and Champaign, IL
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Old 08-31-2007, 06:23 AM
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Default Re: When you have guests

Yes you should get them passes, all you need other than their name and address is their birth date as I recall. You can get the passes a couple days ahead of time. They just tag along with us and do everything we do, golf, go to the rec centers, to the squares, by the time we get home at night they are ready to pass out.
Village of Belvedere
Old 08-31-2007, 11:35 AM
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Default Re: When you have guests

It kind of depends on the ages of the guests but I do want you all to know that if you have small grandchildren the Uncle Donalds Farm (East on Griffith Road and then right for 2 or 3 miles) is really great! I'd say ages 3 to 10. My 4 year old grandson is still talking about milking the goat, feeding the cows, petting the pig, etc. Last time we went it was $8.00 for children and for seniors and it is a good two hour participation (or longer if you can handle it)

Doesn't have anything much to do with The Villages but it was a treat for some of my grandchildren who are kind of young yet to enjoy shuffleboard.
I live in my own little world. <br />But it's OK... They know me <br />here!<br /><br />Indianapolis<br />Ft Myers, FL<br />The Villages
Old 08-31-2007, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: When you have guests

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be, Also
my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Old 09-01-2007, 11:20 AM
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Default Re: When you have guests

Absolutely get guest IDs for visitors otherwise they cannot use the recreation facilities including pools. We have had guests and they enjoyed the pool and shuffleboard. Dinner out and visits to the town squares. Of course if there are children, don't forget the Florida residents get special rates for the Disney Park, etc.
Too, just a golf cart ride around the Villages is entertainment enough. Stop at the lakes and see all the ducks, etc. Go take in the buffalo sites. Take a lot of pictures because people at home just won't believe all that is here. :#1:
Fran Gyomory
The Bronx, NY; Kailua, HI; Dale City, VA; Fredericksburg, VA; The Villages, FL
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