Why are there three villages named Bridgeport

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Old 04-03-2010, 06:35 AM
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Default Why are there three villages named Bridgeport

in TV? I overheard a discussion and one person said they lived in Bridgeport and then the follow up question....which one? It must generate some confusion when giving directions? Emergency vehicles?
Just curious.

Old 04-07-2010, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
in TV? I overheard a discussion and one person said they lived in Bridgeport and then the follow up question....which one? It must generate some confusion when giving directions? Emergency vehicles?
Just curious.

I think the three are: Bridgeport at Lake Sumter, Bridgeport at Lake Miona, and Bridgeport at Miona Shores. Each has its own name so dont think it would be terribly confusing. All of the Bridgeport villages is on the upscale design with Premier homes, great views/locations etc. I think the developer is just trying to trade on the upscale Bridgeport name. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Old 04-07-2010, 08:42 PM
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Bridgeport was one of the poorest neighborhoods in Chicago. It became predominantly Irish (think Mayor Daley I and II). It is now one of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the city. Glenview, Glenbrook, Country Club Hills, Tall Trees, and Calumet are all familiar names around Chicago. I wonder if other parts of the country share these names.
Old 04-07-2010, 09:38 PM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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Originally Posted by Chi-Town View Post
Bridgeport was one of the poorest neighborhoods in Chicago. It became predominantly Irish (think Mayor Daley I and II). It is now one of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the city. Glenview, Glenbrook, Country Club Hills, Tall Trees, and Calumet are all familiar names around Chicago. I wonder if other parts of the country share these names.
Try Google. for Glenbrook there are over 900,000 hits.
Old 04-08-2010, 03:25 PM
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Bridgeport was one of the poorest neighborhoods in Chicago. It became predominantly Irish (think Mayor Daley I and II). It is now one of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the city. Glenview, Glenbrook, Country Club Hills, Tall Trees, and Calumet are all familiar names around Chicago. I wonder if other parts of the country share these names.
I am from Bridgeport, CT. It is a big and diverse city.
I want to move to TV and in IMHO - One Bridgeport would be enough.

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