You get what you pay for

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Old 12-31-2007, 05:40 PM
mzmom3 mzmom3 is offline
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Default Re: You get what you pay for

Thanks everyone. This has really taught me a great deal. That's one reason I love TOTV.
Old 12-31-2007, 11:47 PM
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Default Re: You get what you pay for

I'm not sure we're getting the whole story here.....I personally know this (discount ) realtor and he has handled two houses for me in the last four years ...I sold one and then bought another , He took care of everything and I couldn't have been happier....... Maybe you interupted his scrabble game , when I'm looking for a "P" I don't like to be bothered either.....Just a thought...

the concentrating Fumar
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