Your thoughts about this please

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Old 07-12-2007, 01:05 PM
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Default Your thoughts about this please

Some friends of our from "Up North" visited recently and looked at homes south of 466 with a Villages realtor. At the end of the tour, our friends asked about existing homes North of 466. They told us the realtor said something to the effect, "......oh you don't want to live up there. The people are not friendly at all, in fact they are old and snooty. Plus the grass up there is not the kind you want and the homes are not as well built as down here."

Kind of odd for a realtor to get that kind of training from the Villages Developer, I would think.
Old 07-12-2007, 01:29 PM
darbyduff darbyduff is offline
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Default Re: Your thoughts about this please

Hate to get anyone in trouble but my husband and I heard the same thing the first time we visited the Villages. Not in those words but "That isn't the most friendly neighborhood you can move into!" and "But some people like it" (Indicating that most don't)

Frigid Minnesota and Colorful Colorado
Old 07-12-2007, 01:49 PM
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Default Re: Your thoughts about this please

Hi all, I live on the north side of 441, in what one might call the pre-historic area. I love it, love my neighbors, the recreation is great and I am a hop, skip and jump from anything i may need. I hear mixed reactions from all over the Villages, this one pays this, you can't do that, etc. I ignore it and just have fun. Also, I have many friends who have bought homes on the North side of 441 this past year and some that bought south of that, they are all very happy with their choices. This place works for me. There are some realtor's from the Villages Sales Office that live north of 441 also, I am sure if some are making those statements they either 1. don't live in the Villages and know they would make more profit on a more expensive home or 2. they live south of 441 and thats what they like. Don't let peoples statements deter you, look at all areas, then make your decision, you won't be sorry!!
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Old 07-12-2007, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: Your thoughts about this please

Sounds like a "steering" effort to me. When I hear stuff like this, I'm prompted ask myself the "who benefits" question. Is the realtor excluding a potential sale based on an attitude of people which amounts to only a perception. Or is are they steering potential buyers to make a bigger commission? Was this a "Villages" realtor showing houses?
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Old 07-12-2007, 02:25 PM
darbyduff darbyduff is offline
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Default Re: Your thoughts about this please

Actually it was several "Villagers" who mentioned that.
Frigid Minnesota and Colorful Colorado
Old 07-12-2007, 02:49 PM
larrydube larrydube is offline
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Default Re: Your thoughts about this please

My wife and I looked at homes on the south side and the north side of 441/27. We decided on a house overlooking the 15th tee or OBH. Our neighbors are older than we are (we are 59/58) but that did not stop us. We got a 3/2 2car 1,750 sq ft designer that is perfect for us. We are only 10 minutes from Spanish Springs and can go almost anywhere to shop by cart.

We were using the Villages to rent it out for us but they dropped us because of the location. They told us they were looking for homes on the south of 441/27 and closer to Sumter because that's where the construction is happening.

I guess it is a personal decision.
Saco, Maine
Old 07-12-2007, 05:12 PM
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Default Re: Your thoughts about this please

A lot of "bickering" does go on between the historic side and the newest sides of the Villages. It is simply nonsense. We bought here in Tall Trees 23 months ago but are involved in recreation programs over in Orange Blossom Hills. Yes, over there at this time, the average age is a bit higher than this side. That is simply because as baby boomer's retire, they are buying newly built homes and they are over hear near 466. In 20 years we will be the "old fogies" and there will be new younger people over at OBH and Country Club, etc.

OBH was original and was manufactured homes at one time. Some snooty folks don't want to even thing about living in a Village/manufactured home. We have the same issue over here South of 466 but it is a designer...villa...issue. Some folks who bought ranch or designer homes think that anyone in a Patio Villa or Courtyard Villa is not "desireable"! Amazing what a few bucks can do to a person's attitude.

We love our Villa and have friends in Village homes which are lovely. Life is what you make of it and you can live anywhere that you feel good. I love the Villages and sometimes feel that I am doing something illegal by enjoying my life so very much.

Let negative comments roll off you like water off a duck and enjoy the lifestyle! Come join us at the villages, regardless of what type home you find suits your needs!!!!
Fran Gyomory
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