cost of birdcage

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Old 11-18-2008, 07:54 PM
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Barefoot Barefoot is offline
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Originally Posted by villages07 View Post
As you'll see earlier in this thread, we were planning to do a birdcage extension earlier this summer. Well, after getting several bids we did go ahead with the project and used T&D Concrete. Their cost was in line with others and their reputation unmatched. They did a great job.

The one hint I would offer....when getting prices, ask them to price out the paint finish separately. T&D uses the heavy acrylic paint with knockdown finish (like you see around pool decks). This was going to be about $3/sq ft for our project. Instead, we went with Amy Newsom, who does the driveway/lanai/garage concrete staining (with designs and borders) for a cost of $1.55/sq ft. So, it was considerably less expensive and has a much more custom look.
Seven always has the very best information!

I've seen Amy Newsom's work and it is beautiful. I'm planning to use her for my birdcage floor.
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Old 01-03-2009, 01:35 PM
novelchick novelchick is offline
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Default birdcage cost

we added a huge birdcage for $9,000 because we put a pool in. Was it worth it? You bet!!! nothing like sitting outside and enjoying the lanai/birdcage and no bugs/lovebugs getting in and eating, entertaining outside!! Investment we definitely are glad we did. Good luck.
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