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Old 01-03-2010, 09:13 PM
waynet waynet is offline
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Thanks to all the posts,Im learning more each day.
Old 01-04-2010, 09:43 AM
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Like Tpop, we have also made the trip south from Conn many times. If you want to take 95 - his route is the best. We try to avoid 95 so our route is:

Take the Tappan Zee to 287 and then pick up Route 78 West.

Take 78 until it intersects with Route 81 (just before Harrisburg, PA).

Take 81 South until you reach N. Carolina and it intersects with Route 77 (outside of Charlotte).

Take 77 South until you hit Route 85 (near the SC/NC border)

Take 85 south till you reach the Atlanta bypass (285) and then take 285 west until it joins with route 75 just south of the city.

Take 75 south to TV.

With this route the only city you need to deal with is Atlanta - and I would try to go through there between 10 am and 2 pm or after 8 at night.

Your gps and AAA will tell you it is longer by <60 minutes - but it can save hours in traffic delays. It is also a beautiful and FAR less-stressful route....
Holyoke, Mass; East Granby, Monroe, Madison and Branford, Conn; Port Clyde, Maine; North Myrtle Beach, SC; The Village of Bonita (April 2009 - )

Last edited by katezbox; 01-04-2010 at 09:44 AM. Reason: sp
Old 01-04-2010, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by katezbox View Post

Your gps and AAA will tell you it is longer by <60 minutes - but it can save hours in traffic delays. It is also a beautiful and FAR less-stressful route....

We have been travelling here for 7+ years from MA. 81 is indeed a nice alternative for us compared to 95. The only time we avoid 81 is if we travel north in the winter and there is a winter storm. It is interior enough that there can be significant difference in snow fall amounts.

I have never tried your route through Atlanta, will look into that. We take 81 - 77 - 26 - 95 - 295 - 10 - 301 (never had a ticket knocking on wood as I type).
Old 01-04-2010, 02:02 PM
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Another opinion chiming in....

I-81 has MUCH more gorgeous scenery than I-95. I've done I-95 from NY-Daytona Beach more times than I can count. When we drove to Atlanta a couple of times, the difference was amazing.
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Old 01-04-2010, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by ajbrown View Post

We have been travelling here for 7+ years from MA. 81 is indeed a nice alternative for us compared to 95. The only time we avoid 81 is if we travel north in the winter and there is a winter storm. It is interior enough that there can be significant difference in snow fall amounts.

I have never tried your route through Atlanta, will look into that. We take 81 - 77 - 26 - 95 - 295 - 10 - 301 (never had a ticket knocking on wood as I type).
AJB - your point on the winter storms is well taken. That is a factor to be considered. Of course, sometimes when 81/77/85 gets snow the 95 corridor gets ice. If I have those options, I'll take my chances on the snow....

Holyoke, Mass; East Granby, Monroe, Madison and Branford, Conn; Port Clyde, Maine; North Myrtle Beach, SC; The Village of Bonita (April 2009 - )
Old 01-04-2010, 03:58 PM
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Coming from Maine we find the 81/77/26/95 route the most peaceful route with the only city being Charlotte NC.It is a little longer but I think time wise it's pretty close and a lot less hectic. By the way Kate we were recently at our home in Bonita and while on one of our morning walks I believe we ended up walking by your home. SNOWED-IN Maine
Old 01-04-2010, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by katezbox View Post

Like Tpop, we have also made the trip south from Conn many times. If you want to take 95 - his route is the best. We try to avoid 95 so our route is:

Take the Tappan Zee to 287 and then pick up Route 78 West.

Take 78 until it intersects with Route 81 (just before Harrisburg, PA).

Take 81 South until you reach N. Carolina and it intersects with Route 77 (outside of Charlotte).

Take 77 South until you hit Route 85 (near the SC/NC border)

Take 85 south till you reach the Atlanta bypass (285) and then take 285 west until it joins with route 75 just south of the city.

Take 75 south to TV.

With this route the only city you need to deal with is Atlanta - and I would try to go through there between 10 am and 2 pm or after 8 at night.

Your gps and AAA will tell you it is longer by <60 minutes - but it can save hours in traffic delays. It is also a beautiful and FAR less-stressful route....
If you're coming from western CT you're better off taking I-84 to I-81. Then the directions are the same. This way you avoid the I-95 in CT, I-287 and the Tappan Zee bridge.These highways can be a real pain at the wrong time. I-84 crosses the Hudson River from Beacon to Newburgh, NY.
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