Do pets have a curfew?

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Old 07-07-2008, 12:30 PM
marlenemiddlesis marlenemiddlesis is offline
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Default Do pets have a curfew?

I've read there is a limit of two pets in a home. Are there are regulations regarding dogs and cats etc? Noise limititations regarding barking dogs etc? Having to be leashed? Pit bull restrictions? Do folks leave their dogs in the back yard unattended when away from the property? Anything else anyone can toss into the mix would be great! Thank you !
Old 07-07-2008, 12:35 PM
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Default Re: Do pets have a curfew?

Originally Posted by marlenemiddlesis
I've read there is a limit of two pets in a home. Are there are regulations regarding dogs and cats etc? Noise limititations regarding barking dogs etc? Having to be leashed? Pit bull restrictions? Do folks leave their dogs in the back yard unattended when away from the property? Anything else anyone can toss into the mix would be great! Thank you !
Dogs are supposed to be leashed in TV and cats are supposed to be kept indoors. Believe Lady Lake has an ordinance on dogs being on leash.

I know of no pit bull or other dog restrictions in TV even though I have rarely seen this breed here in TV. Maybe deed restrictions though in other Villages on this???
Old 07-07-2008, 12:52 PM
Rokinronda Rokinronda is offline
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Default Re: Do pets have a curfew?

I do know that some homeowner insurance companies will not insure you if there are certain breeds of dogs, including pit bulls.
Old 07-07-2008, 02:39 PM
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Default Re: Do pets have a curfew?

If your neighbors complain about a dog barking, it's a problem. Neighborhood Watch will contact you and give you a warning. If the barking continues, then you will be forced to find a way to either quiet the dog or get rid of it. Doesn't matter what time of the day or night, just matters that there was a complaint.
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Old 07-07-2008, 03:11 PM
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Default Re: Do pets have a curfew?

Just because I am nosy I am asking if you own dogs?
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