Minnesota Lookers

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Old 02-11-2010, 03:43 PM
OldYellar OldYellar is offline
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Default Minnesota Lookers

Hello. My wife and I have been looking at The Villages as a nice place to retire to. We're coming down tomorrow to Orlando for a few days and will stop by TV to look around. I've received the package from the sales office but one thing I can't seem to find is a good map that shows where each of the villages are and the age and price of the homes in the various villages. Can anyone tell me if there is such a map?


PS... I see that it will be upper 50s this weekend. I just hope we Minnesotans don't get too hot.
Old 02-11-2010, 05:12 PM
Minnesotalyn Minnesotalyn is offline
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My husband and I were there last Nov. and we got a great map from the people that we worked with during are Preview Visit. You will need it because you will get lost. Another thing we will bring next time is a compass so we know if we're going north or south. Where are you from in Mn. We're from Hugo, north of White Bear Lake, north of St. Paul
Old 02-11-2010, 05:26 PM
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You are right, you will need a map. You can purchase one for five dollars at The Villages Mercantile in either square. It is worth every penny of it too. It won't give you any housing prices or ages of the individual villages, but that is easy. The oldest villages are to the North and the newest are the farthest South...and southwest. St.Charles and Pennecamp, I think are the newest.

But don't think any one is better than another. They are all equally nice...well, except for Hadley. That is where we live and we think it is the best.

Have a great time...but you need to know that once you found us, you are done. You will love it here too.
Old 02-11-2010, 05:34 PM
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Here is a link to the website of Lyle Gant, a realtor in the Villages to see the prices and locations of homes - I think a detailed map is available at the Villages office: http://www.lylesellsfla.com.z57previ...n_houses.shtml

I am making a LSP in April and looking forward to it. I used to live in Maplewood, MN, off hwy 61 just south of White Bear Lake. Minnesota is a beautiful state, but this time of year gets a little tough to take.
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:35 PM
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Here is a link to the website of Lyle Gant, a realtor in the Villages to see the prices and locations of homes - I think a detailed map is available at the Villages office: http://www.lylesellsfla.com.z57previ...n_houses.shtml

I am making a LSP in April and looking forward to it. I used to live in Maplewood, MN, off hwy 61 just south of White Bear Lake. Minnesota is a beautiful state, but this time of year gets a little tough to take.
Oldcoach Ed
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Old 02-11-2010, 06:59 PM
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Make sure you bring an up to date gps if you have one. It really makes it much easier looking for an address when you are not familiar with the area.
Old 02-11-2010, 07:31 PM
OldYellar OldYellar is offline
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Wow... Thank you everyone. We are from Lakeville, just south of the river by Buck Hill.

Lyle Gant sounds like someone people like to work with.

Is there a Minnesota Club? Can we bring hot dish?
Old 02-11-2010, 07:39 PM
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Check out this site it has a lot of info. including maps. The map of rec centers and pools will give you the main roads and may help you get around a bit.


The district maps are helpful also. Districts are built in order with District 8 being the the latest. They are still building in District 7, but are nearing completion. All the maps are about half way down the above page on the right.

Old 02-11-2010, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by OldYellar View Post
Hello. My wife and I have been looking at The Villages as a nice place to retire to. We're coming down tomorrow to Orlando for a few days and will stop by TV to look around. I've received the package from the sales office but one thing I can't seem to find is a good map that shows where each of the villages are and the age and price of the homes in the various villages. Can anyone tell me if there is such a map?


PS... I see that it will be upper 50s this weekend. I just hope we Minnesotans don't get too hot.
we just moved from MN. Where in MN?

New Jersey,
New York
Northern MN,
The Villages
Next stop?
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