TV...Loooonger term?

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Old 02-26-2010, 05:56 PM
tommyrulz tommyrulz is offline
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Default TV...Loooonger term?

Hi all, stuck up in wintery nj, thinking of sunnier places..TV!!

I am still a few years away from taking the plunge, but would really appreciate anyone's take on this. By all accounts, TV is a dynamic, friendly, active community. My question (concern is too strong a word) is what the future will hold (as if anyone really knows!!).

Once all the building ends in a few years (and the sizeable influx of "young" blood it brings goes away), does anyone think TV will change from the present?? I know there will always be re-sells and turnover, just not to the degree that new development and expansion brings.

I am really talking about demographics. Will the average age gradually increase over time without any new building and as current residents age in place. Not change for the worse, just change. ie, little less activity in the squares, in the rec centers, in the restaurants. Maybe even fewer restaurants/retai as less people want to/can go out as often.

All thoughts are welcome!!
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