Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
9-11 2001 NEVER FORGET!!!
Here is where to post memorials on this tragic anniversary of the most horrific catastrophy in American history. In memory of my dear friend and co-worker Gregory Belanger from RI, who was killed in Iraq. There is a special site that was created when he died for all our service men and women. Please add someone you know, or just send a few notes to the men and women on this tribute page. Thanks!
Re: 9-11 2001 NEVER FORGET!!!
I have added my two brothers in the Marines.....James (Jimmy) Burns....Baldwinsville NY and Michael Burns....Baldwinsville NY.........Jimmy has left for Iraq ironic that he will arrive in Iraq on 9-11!!
"Pretending to be a normal person, day after day, is exhausting." Suzy Toronto |
Re: 9-11 2001 NEVER FORGET!!!
Cassie, I sent your brothers a little note! Glad you could add them to the tribute pages!!!!
Proud to be an American
Proud to be an American sung by Lee Greenwood.
Re: Proud to be an American
I'll never forget,and I'll never forgive. :edit: |
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