Almost On The Market

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Old 04-22-2008, 06:55 PM
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Default Almost On The Market

Well, my property is sorta on the market; I made a photo album on picturetrail and my member name is rosejolie. My realtor from help-u-sell came out and gave me an evaluation so my asking price is in the ballpark; however there is an abundance of homes for sale in my area. Next, I'll post a huge FSBO sign down the driveway and put an ad in the local newspaper. I'm considering going online at but don't know if it's worth the effort. If I get frustrated, I'll sign-up with my realtor and let her do all the work. Any FSBO tips ?

If a miracle occurs and I sell, I still haven't found a TV CYV to rent cuz they're mostly already reserved for the peak-season. :
Born in Coney Island, Bklyn NY. My first apartment on my own was in The Village NYC. Now I live in The Village Walk, Sarasota FL
Old 04-22-2008, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: Almost On The Market

CIB, I worked with a realtor recently on the (so far unsuccessful) sale of my home, and he gave me this advice: These days a very high percentage of R/E shopping is done via the internet, so getting it on the web is more important than print ads (now, since I haven't sold, take it with a grain of salt).
So I'd advise going with the internet listing.
Old 04-22-2008, 09:12 PM
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Default Re: Almost On The Market


You can also go to and claim your house...add salient details, pictures, show that it is for sale, etc. It's another free marketing resource. There may be other similar sites.

First and foremost, price it to sell.

Good luck.
Maryland (DC Suburbs) - first 51 years
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