Crown molding trays for lighting a ceiling

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Old 12-07-2008, 07:14 AM
Boomer Boomer is offline
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Question Crown molding trays for lighting a ceiling

I know it is probably a longshot to ask this question because it is about a specific use of crown molding to hold lighting and this is not a woodworking or lighting forum. But it is the only forum I know about and lots of people in TOTVland know lots of stuff so I am going to ask anyway because you just never know where an answer might be found.

Now, if I can just explain it right. Anyway, here goes...

We want to light a wood cathedral ceiling with a wash of light sent up from lighting trays on the wall. The trays are to be built with crown molding with a tray behind it to hold linear lighting. (This is not exactly rope lighting but sort of.)

The crown molding will hide the linear lights and the depth of the tray behind the molding and the distance down from the ceiling should determine the degree of the wash of light. The plan is to fade the light out to the peak without having the lights look like runway lighting as the light comes out from behind the molding. (That can happen sometimes even though the crown molding hides the lighting strips.)

In searching the internet for pictures, I have found things like this used in home theaters, but the ceilings were always flat. This is not for a home theater. This is being done because we like to look at wood ceilings. (I told you we're boring.)

So anyway...

Has anyone done this?

And if so, do you have any suggestions as to the placement of the tray on the wall in relation to the ceiling and the depth of the tray itself to get the lighting effect that we want? (To the peak of the ceiling in a gradual fade without looking like a runway at the bottom.)

This is a link to the lighting company that makes this stuff. It's called low-voltage linear lighting and it involves transformers. There will be 10 watts every 6 inches and the lights will be on a dimmer.

So like I said, I know my question is a longshot. And I sure hope I explained it OK. And just in case somebody is out there who knows what I am talking about and can help -- thank you.


Last edited by Boomer; 12-07-2008 at 12:45 PM.
Old 12-07-2008, 02:04 PM
Peggy D Peggy D is offline
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When this is done, please post pictures. I can sort of visualize this--but not exactly.

Sounds interesting.
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