Despicable Behavior

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Old 12-12-2010, 10:08 AM
cynkr67 cynkr67 is offline
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So glad to read these posts. I have seen this "church" on TV way too often and wonder if they've ever even read the Bible. They are beyond despicable...I can think of any adjectives bad enough to describe their behavior. I try never to hate anyone, but this group makes it very, very difficult. Maybe if the press refused to cover their existence any more, and the courts put an end to their unethical legal tactics, they all would crawl back into their snake holes and quit giving Christians a bad name!!

Cynthia, class of 1967
Muscatine, Iowa City and Newton, IA; Belmont, Sunnyvale & San Bernardino, CA; Biloxi, MS; Cleveland TN & The Villages
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