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Old 11-03-2008, 12:36 PM
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Default Flooding?

Are there any parts of TV that are prone to flooding and standing water from heavy rain? This would be for both new homes and per owned home areas. I remeber the one tropical storm that hit Florida dropped a lot of rain on the state and I wonder if any homes or areas were effected.
Old 11-03-2008, 01:14 PM
Rokinronda Rokinronda is offline
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The drainage systems and retention ponds were well designed and in my 4 years I have not seen any flooding problems. If you see sprinklers going while it is raining, it is because the retaining ponds are near capacity and that reclaimed water is being dispersed to prevent pond overflow. Hope this helps to alleviate your concerns.
Old 11-03-2008, 04:09 PM
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We measured over 8 inches of rain in less than two days with Tropical Storm Fay and saw the golf course pond rise but then as Rhonda said we saw the irrigation release on the course. I think that rate of rainfall is unprecedented and that TV is well prepared.
Columbus OH, The Villages - Amelia
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