Memorial Weekend

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Old 05-27-2010, 05:47 AM
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Default Memorial Weekend

Does anyone know what sort of entertainment will be at the squares on Sat. and Sun. night? We are two couples coming to check out the villages. Anything else going on? Thanks!
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Old 05-27-2010, 06:17 AM
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Default info on website

check out and click on the Lifestyle link at the top - has all of the Villages-owned venue offerings, but not the privately leased stuff, like the country clubs that have entertainment and the other restaurants that offer entertainment. Does anyone know if there is a listing of those somewhere?
Old 05-27-2010, 06:46 AM
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Thank you very much! Just what we needed to see.
Another question...How active are the clubs in TV? We see that there are many, but we have only made one visit so far and only saw a few people at the pottery club. Are the clubs active all year round or is TV mostly a winter escape? Thanks again!!
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Old 05-27-2010, 08:05 AM
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Clubs that I am involved in are active year round, but our numbers do fluctuate during the year. Something that is very specialized like a pottery club may not have that many members to begin with, and when a few of them leave for the summer....

My one tap class that I take has dwindled to only a few, but the teacher doesn't want to cancel the class for fear of losing the room and time to another club for the rest of the year. So I would imagine that other clubs do the same thing and continue year round so as not to lose their time slot at the rec center.
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Old 05-27-2010, 01:59 PM
swrinfla swrinfla is offline
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At least a couple of my "social" clubs meet virtually every month Sep-May, but close down during Jun-Aug. Even when many members are still here! But, their schedule retains their lock on the rec center room where they meet.

My couple of support groups have mixed schedules:
1) Sleep Apnea - 2nd Monday at Bridgeport Rec Center 6:30pm, except Jun, Jul & Aug.
2) Villages Airheads especially for those challenged by COPD or other breathing problems - 2nd & 4th Tuesday at Mulberry Grove Rec Center 10:00am all year -- also its breathing exercise class 1st & 3rd Friday Mulberry Grove Rec Center 10:00am all year

Some folks say that 30% of Villagers go away in the summer. That leaves a lot still here!

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