My Thread Yesterday about Negative Experience with DISH Network Retailer ...

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Old 12-21-2008, 11:34 AM
Sidney Lanier Sidney Lanier is offline
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Default My Thread Yesterday about Negative Experience with DISH Network Retailer ...

I wrote a long, thoughtful post yesterday about a bad experience with a retailer selling DISH Network services in the hopes that, since it was (is?) advertised in the Daily Sun, no other TOTVers would be taken by it. I posted it in this forum because, more than anything else, it relates to "anything pertaining to life in The Villages, Florida." Administrators, can you explain what happened to what we feel is an important item "pertaining to life in TV"? Thank you!

Last edited by Sidney Lanier; 12-21-2008 at 11:38 AM.
Old 12-21-2008, 11:59 AM
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Default Still there....

Hey Sid,

Your thread is still's under contractors and services (which is logical); perhaps admins moved it if you had placed it under general villages or non villages.

Taken by a DISH Network Retailer (Not by DISH Network Itself) ...

Best way to double check this is click on your TOTV username link and one of the menu options is show all posts. That's a quick way to see what posts of yours are out there and where they are located.
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Old 12-21-2008, 02:36 PM
Sidney Lanier Sidney Lanier is offline
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Originally Posted by villages07 View Post
Your thread is still's under contractors and services (which is logical); perhaps admins moved it if you had placed it under general villages or non villages.

Taken by a DISH Network Retailer (Not by DISH Network Itself) ...
Ah thanks, and if I didn't think to look there, then I wonder how many TOTVers would have thought of it as well. Hopefully this second thread will remain in the forum where most people look, as I do believe that though this does have to do with 'contractors and services,' it is more so of general interest--and potentially important--to those looking at items that pertain to Villages life.

Reading my long post, it may appear that logic is not the primary consideration, but rather Villagers being ripped off! Hopefully, the more people see it (and that will happen in Villages Life forum much, much more so than in that devoted to contractors and services), the more likely that Villagers will be aware of this sleazy company. If 72 hours had gone by before we had realized what had happened, we likely would have had no recourse....
Old 12-21-2008, 03:29 PM
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I appreciated your warning post about the rip off. But I wouldn't worry too much about which forum it is posted in. I suspect that many users are lazy like me and just use the "new posts" menu item at the top of the page to see what is new in all forums since the last time they were logged in.
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