Poker (again)

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Old 02-09-2008, 02:21 PM
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Default Poker (again)

Okay, I thought we had enough players but a couple never responded, so I'm trying again.

Right now, we have Chels and hubby aford and hubby and me. DickY and Kathie's dad will be in the group when they get here. So, 5 for now. Samhass (and hubby?) are a maybe, so if we can get a definite answer there ......

WE NEED AT LEAST ONE MORE PLAYER that can start playing now!

C'mon folks, this will be fun. A couple of times a month; we'll figure out whether tourney or buy-in style when we get together.

I'm thinking we could start playing on the 18th, 7 pm start time, end time to be determined.
Army/embassy brat - traveled too much to mention
Moved here from SF Bay Area (East Bay)

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