Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

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Old 04-26-2008, 05:37 PM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers tonight at KB's


We are leaving to go North Wednesday morning but I am going to try like hail to make it Tuesday night,gotta hear this group before I leave.Ill just sleep all the way back to N.Y.
Thanks for the heads up! :bigthumbsup:
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Old 04-26-2008, 06:12 PM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers tonight at KB's

Originally Posted by Rokinronda
How does 6 sound? Not so hot.......After dinner...........
Sounds like a plan.

And, Nonie, you really should hear them at least once before you leave. If I can cope with the crowds to see them, you can find the way to sneak away from the house at least one hour. Sides, I'll need a bye hug. sniff
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Old 04-26-2008, 07:24 PM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers tonight at KB's

I will be there, name the time. I'll be there early.
Harrisburg, Pa ----------> Village of Duval
Old 04-26-2008, 09:30 PM
Rokinronda Rokinronda is offline
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers tonight at KB's

Whenever everyone wants to meet is fine with me!!! Periodically we can check the clock, lets say, every half hour some or all of us can run to the clock, wave to the cam watchers, and check to see if we have MORE peeps to join us!! How does that sound?
Old 04-27-2008, 03:09 PM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

Old 04-27-2008, 06:34 PM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

Vetman and I are planning to be there about 6pm. :bigthumbsup:
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Old 04-28-2008, 03:17 PM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

:beer2: :beer2: I and my mate will be there at 6 P.M. Sounds like fun! 040
Old 04-28-2008, 05:09 PM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

I will be soon as I can. I will be by myself and looking for ya all. I will bring a chair and wear a Marti Mcelheny badge. If you see me..flag me down. Looking forward to meeting ya all!
Old 04-28-2008, 06:19 PM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

mc, it sounds like someone will be by the clock every half hour, at least from 4:30 to 6:30, so try to be by the clock from at around 5 minutes before the hour/half hour to 5 minutes after (in case someone forgets to notice the time and is late).

I'll be there with my fuschia chair and short red hair. About all I can guarantee clotheswise is that I'll have some on.
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Old 04-28-2008, 11:02 PM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

Ok ! Thanks Redwitch!
Old 04-28-2008, 11:26 PM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

Oh...the memories of one of my last visits to LSL...The Freeze

Wish I could join all of you....would like to meet up with those I met a few weeks ago and new friends.

Have fun...I'll be watching the cam...WAVE BIG!
Old 04-29-2008, 12:00 AM
Rokinronda Rokinronda is offline
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

I will wave real big, bright!!! wav every half hour! wav I will be waving to all cam watchers! wav wishing you were all here!!
Old 04-30-2008, 01:06 AM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

Hi Rockin Rhonda, Dickey, Redwitch and others that we met tonight at Rocky and the Rollers Lake Sumter landing. it was good to put faces with web page names. Hope to see more of you at other Village gatherings. As I said tonight, we love this web page and all the contributors--such wonderful information and such friendly people!!!! Sandra and Bill Cook (sandybill2)
Old 04-30-2008, 01:58 AM
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

My sadness about leaving tomorrow was cushioned by some wonderful people tonite. Rhonda, thankyou for convincing me its worth taking the time to see Rocky
& the Rollers, I dont think I had so much fun dancing in 30 years. or more. Noone can stop me now I loved every minute of it!
Dicky, thanks for dancing with me, you are a heck of a good dancer ,07 its always a pleasure!, Chels & Stephen you brought tears to my eyes, gonna miss you so much! Red, Hope you got enough hugs tonite. Please dont knock on my door at 6:00A.M.LOL.
Mr. & mrs. Samhass. So nice seeing you both again.

OK, Im done with the dramatics, but I just wanted you all to know how happy I am to be a part of your TV family. Now Im going to get busy on that Attic,Barn, cellar and house,'cause your all so worth hurrying back to. wav
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Old 04-30-2008, 02:08 AM
Rokinronda Rokinronda is offline
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Default Re: Rocky and the Rollers Tuesday at LSL

It sure was a ROKIN GOOD TIME!! DickY, Red, 007, Samhass and Mr. Sam, NONIE and Bernie, Chels and vetman, Sandra and Bill, Mcelheny, Russ and Linda, anyone I missed, all cam watchers, it was a beautiful night, memories were made and future good times discussed. We are TOTV peeps and we are the BEST CLUB in TV!!!!! Ciao!!
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