Survivor 19. Who will win?

View Poll Results: Who will win Survivor:Samoa (19th season)?
Dave Ball 2 5.88%
Brett Clouser 2 5.88%
John Fincher 1 2.94%
Russell Hantz 18 52.94%
Laura Morett 1 2.94%
Monica Padilla 0 0%
Jaison Robinson 1 2.94%
Mick Trimming 5 14.71%
Shannon (Shambo) Waters 3 8.82%
Natalie White 1 2.94%
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Old 11-14-2009, 09:10 AM
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Default Survivor 19. Who will win?

Any thoughts on who will win Survivor: Samoa?

This one has been fun because of the antics of Russell Hantz, the totem finding survivor who also plays other contestants off against one another but recently has his gameface unmasked.

Last edited by Taltarzac725; 11-14-2009 at 09:17 AM.
Old 11-14-2009, 09:53 AM
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That Russell is a hoot. I loved it the other night when he blindsided them by pulling out the immunity idol for the second time...though I was worried he was running his mouth too much and spoiling his plan.

They will be gunnin' for him now! If he makes it to the end he deserves to win, IMO.

I think the dynamics of the game is about to change big time!
Old 11-14-2009, 10:43 AM
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Russell is definitely playing the best game, though I don't like him at all.

I voted for John simply because I'm secretly in love with him. shh, don't tell my husband.
Old 11-14-2009, 12:29 PM
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I think Russell will get votes for being a great gamer, even though he is impossible to like! And Mick will get votes becaus he is so darn cute.
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Old 11-14-2009, 01:11 PM
swrinfla swrinfla is offline
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I have to go with my gut on this one.

I was scared to death that Russell H. would win; he is just about the least likable player ever. But, he's for sure got a huge target on his back after his attitude the other night.

Now, he'll have to win immunity by working for it - unless he finds the idol, again. I don't think they should have put it back in play!

Old 11-15-2009, 11:43 AM
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Default Russell Hantz is in the lead for the Survivor of the 19 season TOTV poll.

I personally cannot see how he can win after his tactics were revealed to the various surviving cast members. Nor is he all that adept at winning individual challenges.
Old 11-16-2009, 05:07 AM
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Russell makes this season very entertaining and great to watch. Every since this show has started me and my wife crack up at the end in the Final TC when everyone cries how could you have lied to me, I thought we were tight and becoming great friends and all that garbage. This is a game. Outwit is the key to this game. Russell is on the money here. Heck I thought Johnny Fairplay was the best at it till watching Russell. If he makes it to the end the Final TC will be a blast to watch.

I hope Russell finds the 3rd Idol on this weeks episode.
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Old 11-16-2009, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by GMONEY View Post
Russell makes this season very entertaining and great to watch. Every since this show has started me and my wife crack up at the end in the Final TC when everyone cries how could you have lied to me, I thought we were tight and becoming great friends and all that garbage. This is a game. Outwit is the key to this game. Russell is on the money here. Heck I thought Johnny Fairplay was the best at it till watching Russell. If he makes it to the end the Final TC will be a blast to watch.

I hope Russell finds the 3rd Idol on this weeks episode.
Yes, those people who cry at TC thinking all the others' were their best friends makes me laugh.

Even though I find Russell difficult to stomach, I also am rooting for him to find the 3rd idol. An evil part inside of me loves those blindsides.
Old 11-16-2009, 02:46 PM
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I am sure that Con-Air is better than this.

Old 11-17-2009, 06:08 AM
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there is a thread for Con Air.. Have at it.

Yes Julie, the evil comes to the top with a great blind side... Last week was one of the best blind sides yet.... I hope he finds that idol, that would be so funny.
Remember: Improvise, Adapt and Overcome !!!!

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Old 12-11-2009, 02:20 PM
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Default My pick to win it just got his flame extinguished.

I really thought Dave Ball would win this but I did not take into accound the moods of Shambo.

Also upset that the eye candy for male straights -- Monica-- also had to hit the showers.

The latest Entertainment Weekly gives Natalie White the best odds to win this season of Survivor.
Old 12-12-2009, 08:00 AM
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Default My favorite

statement...can't remember who said it was...
"it's like a boy who asks to play with a snake and the snake promises not to bite him. Then one day the snake bites him. The boy says why did you do that. The snakes says ""I'm a snake that's what I do""." Great way to describe Russell. Russell deserves to win if everyone is too gullible to sit back and let him drive.

Old 12-12-2009, 08:08 AM
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I think that cool, calm, quietly conniving, and calculating Jaicon will 'outplay, utwit, outlast'. Fair or not, I think that now that Russell's wealth has been 'outed' the jury would never give him the $1 million; and I think that Mick (the anesthesiologist) would have the same fate.
Old 12-12-2009, 08:24 AM
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Default Russell

I don't understand why Russell would reveal his income...I think that was a very stupid move...all the more reason for them to resent him and vote him out of there.
He has played a very cunning and snaky game...he is the one I hate to love and I think he will (deservedly so, for the game he has played) go all the way!

PS Does anyone think that he was intentionally lead to the immunity idols? I find it amazing that the camera was always there in front of him when he discovered them. I guess it could've been edited...I am very naive when it comes to things like this~
Old 12-12-2009, 08:54 AM
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Default This season has been quite fishy to me.

Originally Posted by ceejay View Post
I don't understand why Russell would reveal his income...I think that was a very stupid move...all the more reason for them to resent him and vote him out of there.
He has played a very cunning and snaky game...he is the one I hate to love and I think he will (deservedly so, for the game he has played) go all the way!

PS Does anyone think that he was intentionally lead to the immunity idols? I find it amazing that the camera was always there in front of him when he discovered them. I guess it could've been edited...I am very naive when it comes to things like this~
I kind of agree with you about Russell's finding of all of the recent idols. The producers seem to have sold us a bill of goods in the evil snake like moves of Russell. It does seemed staged for ratings.
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