What are these people saying???????????

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Old 08-28-2007, 07:21 AM
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Default Re: What are these people saying???????????

JohnZ, Have you considered contacting or joining the Rough RIders in Tampa?
http://www.tampa-roughriders.org/ (may have to copy/paste)

Tampa isn't that far, and you might enjoy this organization.
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Old 08-28-2007, 08:39 AM
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Default Re: What are these people saying???????????

I don't feel that anyone on this board, or anyone i know for that matter, are saying that non-English speaking citizens aren't welcome. We know that they love this country and some fight and die for it. BUT i still feel that this country, as is the case with almost every country in the world, should have just one national language that is supported in school.

This is not to say that we shouldn't do everything we can to help non-English speaking citizens to acclimate to the language. Remember it is not just Spanish that we are talking about. In my neck of the woods we have numerous Indian, Russian and Chinese workers in the technology field and everyone of them, that i know of, has learned English and isn't asking that the schools teach the subjects in all languages.

Just my 2C.
Old 08-28-2007, 09:03 AM
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Old 08-28-2007, 09:24 AM
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Default Re: What are these people saying???????????

I used to work for a Dutch Consulting Company here in the US. All the big wigs were Dutch!!! I don't mind forgien languages, but in the business place English should be spoken so all can understand. These guys would start in English, and then if there was something they did not want you to know about, away they go in Dutch.. HOW RUDE
Old 08-28-2007, 10:36 AM
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Default Re: What are these people saying???????????

Originally Posted by Talk Host
I am sitting in the Orlando International Airport terminal. Virtually everybody who is passing by me, TSA Agents, Airport employees and passengers are speaking spanish. What is going on?????? : :
Here's the original post above as a reminder of what this thread is about. Spanish speaking TSA agents are speaking spanish to spanish speaking passengers. Passengers speaking spanish with other passengers....in an airport called Orlando. Imagine that.
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Old 08-29-2007, 07:42 AM
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Default Re: What are these people saying???????????

TSA screeners are required to read and speak English as a condition of their employment. If they were speaking Spanish to passengers it would have been because the screener was bilingual and trying to communicate.
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