Where's Muncle?

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Old 08-19-2008, 04:54 PM
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Default Re: Where's Muncle?

Hi Muncle

You've been in my thoughts a lot recently. I didn't want to post on TOTV as I wasn't sure if you were keeping your illness private. Now that you've outed yourself, (in Sam's words), you will have many offers of help. Please sit back and accept all the help you're offered. It makes people feel good when you allow them to help out.

I'm helping a friend here in Canada who has stomach and liver cancer. My dearest wish to be able to help him in some way. I feel so helpless, and it is a blessing when they allow me to help with driving to Chemo, helping them get organized to sell their home, etc. People will sincerely want to help you; and I hope you relax and allow them to dote on you.

Sending you love, blessings, and healing white light ...
Barefoot At Last
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Old 08-19-2008, 07:30 PM
swrinfla swrinfla is offline
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Default Re: Where's Muncle?


From all your ailments, I can't decide which might be the hardest to cope with. But, you should know by now that all of us here on TOTV are rooting for you all the way!

And, I'll put in a plug for my personal favorite support group for folks with COPD (emphysema and/or chronic bronchitis) which meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at the Clinical Laboratories Building across 441/27 from TVRH, and its corrollary exercise and breathing class on the 1st and 3rd Friday. PM me if you want more info!

Thinking of you!

Old 08-21-2008, 07:31 AM
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Default Re: Where's Muncle?

Muncle, so sorry to hear of your illness and accident. You are in my thoughts and prayers. While I'm not yet in TV and thus can't provide any services for you, please do take up the offers of your fellow residents. It's clear they want to help. Let them.
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