Who is coming, and when???

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Old 05-28-2008, 04:41 PM
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Default Re: Whi is coming, and when???

Originally Posted by KathieI
Donna, your spelling is getting as bad as Handie's... and that's not good.

I'm coming June 18 (19th into TV) until July 7th. Coming in for the first time on a preview. Very excited about it. They've reserved a premiere home for me, what am I gonna do with all that room? Rent it out? P.S. Party at Kath's, not a jammie party this time!!

Anyway, see ya all then, I'm so excited... :hot: :hot: :hot:

[center]I can speel poifectly gud. It's the fault of kathie's speel cheeker that she gave me broke'n[center]
Handie :joke:
Upstate NY and The Villages-If your not living on the edge, your taking up way too much room."
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