Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
I was standing checking out at the grocery store yesterday when the lady behind me spoke up. She wasn't holding a cell phone. She was placing her items on the grocery belt behind the separator bar from my items. I thought she was talking to me, so I turned to ask what she had said. She just kept talking.
Then I noticed the little earpiece. |
New York, California, Pennsylvania, Florida |
I think it is so rude to ignore the cashier while talking/texting.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am. |
Beautiful, college honor student in Lexington, talking to her sister on cell phone didn't hear or see the train.
I wasn't the cashier. I was in line in front of the lady with the bluetooth bug in her ear. I agree with you though.
Law Enforcement Guilty Too
And the next time you see a cruiser, notice if they're using a cell phone. Numerous times I've seen them. But I'm sure it's official bizzness.
They're using them rather than two way radio. Radio is public and crooks can listen in. Cell phone is privileged communication. |
I agree. My husband always has silence in the car. Rarely listens to Radio or converses. This started with saftey regulations on the railroad I think. BUT ! Maybe Road rage could be calmed with a little soothing music!
Cell phones are a working womens friend. Being able to check in with kids for locations, grociries, Dr. apppointments, etc. but i do think that MY LIFE is important, so stay off the phones when driving !!!!! |
I caught that but had to add my 2 cents - it reminded me of one of those things that bug me.
New York, California, Pennsylvania, Florida |
One day, when I was a home care nurse, I found myself talking to my next client on the cell phone while eating an apple and shifting gears in my standard and drinking a pop. I thought, "this is nuts! I'm going to get in an accident." So I smartened up and bought an automatic (true story). You know you're over the edge when you use the map as a napkin.
Sorry, I had to share. But I agree...what's so dang important that the call can't wait? It's one of the major stressors in todays society: Information Overload. We are inundated with information, can't ever seem to get any quiet time or down time. After being attached to a cell for so many years, I personally like being away from it. But I do carry it with me all the time, like when we go out on the golf cart! Know what I think? Spouses talking in the car should be outlawed! And childred! Talk about a distraction!!! They shouldn't be allowed in the car either. Chewing gum while driving? No sireebob! |
The people that annoy me the most are those who think that they have to scream into the phone to be heard by the party on the other end. Its particularly disturbing when they do it in a confined public place, like a restaurant or bus.
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