1992 Interview Trump Talks About Loyalty

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Old 06-13-2017, 10:32 AM
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Default 1992 Interview Trump Talks About Loyalty

In this short clip from 1992 Donald Trump talks to Charlie Rose about how important "loyalty" is to him.

Trump Says "I Love Getting Even With People" 1992 Interview - YouTube
Old 06-13-2017, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
In this short clip from 1992 Donald Trump talks to Charlie Rose about how important "loyalty" is to him.

Trump Says "I Love Getting Even With People" 1992 Interview - YouTube
And another thread about how Trump is a big meanie and all the limp wristed sissies are still crying about their wicked witch of the East losing to him. If they had spent half as much effort getting out the vote as they do about whining about Trump being a winner that does not believe in PC, their dried up old bag would have won.

Nothing here folks. Just another crybaby thread dedicated to those that still need therapy.....still in denial.
Old 06-13-2017, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
In this short clip from 1992 Donald Trump talks to Charlie Rose about how important "loyalty" is to him.

Trump Says "I Love Getting Even With People" 1992 Interview - YouTube
You know what one of the shortest books in a library is "The Ethics of Donald John Trump: the Good Side"?
Old 06-13-2017, 12:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You know what one of the shortest books in a library is "The Ethics of Donald John Trump: the Good Side"?
The man has AND NEVER HAD any moral compass whatsoever.

His life is filled with lies, deceit and absolute corruption.
Old 06-13-2017, 12:57 PM
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1992??? Wow, I bet Obama was still smoking weed behind the high school in Hawaii, or was that in Muslim Indonesia? Then again, he may very well have been snorting coke at Columbia about that period of time.
Old 06-13-2017, 01:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The man has AND NEVER HAD any moral compass whatsoever.

His life is filled with lies, deceit and absolute corruption.
He truly doesn't know any other way of acting...except as a liar and a bully.

Trump's cultists need to really think about the fact that Comey was willing to testify, under oath, under the assumption that Trump had recorded their conversations.

In other words, if Comey lies under oath and Trump can produce a recording showing that he lied...then Comey is in really deep legal trouble.

But Comey testified anyway and even said that he HOPED Trump had recorded the conversation.

Which, of course, was simply another one of Trump's attempt at bullying and scaring someone.

When will Chump realize, that he's not dealing with some local sub-contractors and that the lake he's swimming in now...actually has people of intelligence, integrity, honor and ethics?

Trump has truly went from being a mediocre sized fish, in a little pond...to a bottom sucking catfish in a very large lake.

He is totally clueless as to how the world actually works, how complicated things really are and his simpleton thinking is the main reason his aides have to keep any briefings...to one short page or less.

How so many were originally sucked in...is beyond comprehension.

The one positive is that a lot of those, as shown by his embarrassingly low approval ratings for a POTUS with less than 6 months...have now caught on to what he really is.
Old 06-13-2017, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
He truly doesn't know any other way of acting...except as a liar and a bully.

Trump's cultists need to really think about the fact that Comey was willing to testify, under oath, under the assumption that Trump had recorded their conversations.

In other words, if Comey lies under oath and Trump can produce a recording showing that he lied...then Comey is in really deep legal trouble.

But Comey testified anyway and even said that he HOPED Trump had recorded the conversation.

Which, of course, was simply another one of Trump's attempt at bullying and scaring someone.

When will Chump realize, that he's not dealing with some local sub-contractors and that the lake he's swimming in now...actually has people of intelligence, integrity, honor and ethics?

Trump has truly went from being a mediocre sized fish, in a little pond...to a bottom sucking catfish in a very large lake.

He is totally clueless as to how the world actually works, how complicated things really are and his simpleton thinking is the main reason his aides have to keep any briefings...to one short page or less.

How so many were originally sucked in...is beyond comprehension.

The one positive is that a lot of those, as shown by his embarrassingly low approval ratings for a POTUS with less than 6 months...have now caught on to what he really is.
More whining from the crybaby. You repeat the same old complaints about Trump being a big meanie, but never discuss issues or policies that you do not agree with. Because I know he would not do anything that would meet with your sissy approval.
Oh well, don't forget to change your depends when you finish with your little tantrum.

By the way, Trump never said he had tapes.
Old 06-13-2017, 01:18 PM
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How about people start discussing policy, platform, agendas this country's priorities and let's stop all this nonsensical talk of personality.

I don't care if people like a president. I do care if that the president's agenda is good for the nation.

if you believe Trump's agenda is good for the nation say so and why you support it.

If you do not like Trump's agenda because it is bad for the nation say so and tell us why it is not and what you believe we should do.

but stop the nonsensical bellyaching the election is over
and if you can't then go on The View they would love to hear how you hate Trump the man. Geezzz

Personal Best Regards:
Old 06-13-2017, 01:20 PM
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Yes, while Obama was smoking weed Trump was still seeing doctors for his physical problems he said he had when he avoided the draft four times.
Old 06-13-2017, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
How about people start discussing policy, platform, agendas this country's priorities and let's stop all this nonsensical talk of personality.

I don't care if people like a president. I do care if that the president's agenda is good for the nation.

if you believe Trump's agenda is good for the nation say so and why you support it.

If you do not like Trump's agenda because it is bad for the nation say so and tell us why it is not and what you believe we should do.

but stop the nonsensical bellyaching the election is over
and if you can't then go on The View they would love to hear how you hate Trump the man. Geezzz

Personal Best Regards:
As always you simply destroy what could have been a good post.

You and your ilk will not let go of the election.

This country was attacked by the Russians. A congressional comm began to investigate, not Trump but the crime. That led to investigation of the campaign.

Now, sopince that time, Trump is destroying any chance of a well paced agenda. He, like you, are still talking election. Most Presidents, I will,say all but Trump would have blessed any investigations into this foreign intrusion and hoped they would find the truth, but this person continues to fir investigators, say contradictory things, lie openly and be deceitful to the american public.

He, and he alone, has embroiled this nation into a internal crisis. I believe EVERYBODY would love to discuss his tax proposals, etc, but he his attorney general testifying today because he lied to congress earlier, he has fired, thus far, THREE investigators

You laugh at the intrusion by Russia. At least pretend you care.

You laugh at lies coming directly from the White House.

You avoid the "soap opera" that is this WH and administration.

You act as if you, and YOU alone want issues addressed, yet you totally absolve Trump of being the deterrent.
Old 06-13-2017, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Yes, while Obama was smoking weed Trump was still seeing doctors for his physical problems he said he had when he avoided the draft four times.
So? Is that supposed to mean something? No one cared about Slick Willie Clinton dodging the draft by running over to Europe. At least Trump is proud of the military and supports them. Unlike the Clintons that taught their kid to hate the military. But, like I said....who cares. Get a life.

loyalty, talks, trump, rose, charlie

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