5 reasons why Teapartiers are right on taxes

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Old 04-23-2010, 07:05 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Good Point

Originally Posted by djplong View Post
I think it's misplaced tax anger.

Oh our tax bills ahve gone up - no question there. But it's not from Washington. Studies show that federal taxation rates are down. What's *up* are the tax policies being set in Boston, Concord, Albany, Trenton, Springfield, Tallahasse, Sacramento, Austin, and just about every other state capital with the exception of Juneau and Indianapolis.
You're right. As unbelievable as this will sound, in addition to all the other taxes and fees, the sales tax in Cook County (Chicago) is now 11%, as I recall. I know it was upped to 10-1/2% and I think the county board bumped it another half percent recently. All this with a county budget that keeps increasing!

If you don't think that people who live in Chicago drive a few miles to shop and buy cars to what's known as the "collar counties" or even into northwest Indiana, think again.

By the way, I REALLY like the line item veto power that the New Jersey governor has. If we had that at the federal level and in all states, that might be a good start towards collaring out-of-control members of the various legislatures.
Old 04-24-2010, 09:15 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Tea party racism?


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