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Old 05-05-2017, 10:20 AM
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'Good Samaritan' Kills Active Shooter in Texas Restaurant
A sad day for liberal politicians. Liberals would prefer that the the murderer have his way and kill everyone there and his life be spared. That way the murderer could receive tax payer assistance and counciling to help him have a better life, plus he could sue the estates of all those he murdered. Plenty of political judges would be supportive of him. But now, liberal politicians just lost a potential vote. Now how sad is that? Only criminals should have guns. Liberals love criminals and hate law abiding citizens that can't be brainwashed.
Old 05-05-2017, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
'Good Samaritan' Kills Active Shooter in Texas Restaurant
A sad day for liberal politicians. Liberals would prefer that the the murderer have his way and kill everyone there and his life be spared. That way the murderer could receive tax payer assistance and counciling to help him have a better life, plus he could sue the estates of all those he murdered. Plenty of political judges would be supportive of him. But now, liberal politicians just lost a potential vote. Now how sad is that? Only criminals should have guns. Liberals love criminals and hate law abiding citizens that can't be brainwashed.
Some liberals are more concerned with making information available to the victims and survivors of crimes (so that the victims can deal with the trauma and aftermath of being victimized), than they are in supporting lengthy periods of incarceration for those that commit the crime.
Old 05-05-2017, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
'Good Samaritan' Kills Active Shooter in Texas Restaurant
A sad day for liberal politicians. Liberals would prefer that the the murderer have his way and kill everyone there and his life be spared. That way the murderer could receive tax payer assistance and counciling to help him have a better life, plus he could sue the estates of all those he murdered. Plenty of political judges would be supportive of him. But now, liberal politicians just lost a potential vote. Now how sad is that? Only criminals should have guns. Liberals love criminals and hate law abiding citizens that can't be brainwashed.
And Republicans are full of BS..... For 8 years you all whined about how Obama was going to STEAL your guns and nothing happened.

As a person how had to stare down a WHITE MALE with a gun to put him in jail. All I would like is some common sense gun laws. Like how about limiting the expanded clips or magazines for the automatic weapons commonly used in mass shooting. They are certainly not used for deer hunting!

Old 05-05-2017, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Some liberals are more concerned with making information available to the victims and survivors of crimes (so that the victims can deal with the trauma and aftermath of being victimized), than they are in supporting lengthy periods of incarceration for those that commit the crime.
And whom are you talking about here? Those who commit heinous crimes should get at least life.

And common sense gun laws are very much needed.
Old 05-05-2017, 12:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And Republicans are full of BS..... For 8 years you all whined about how Obama was going to STEAL your guns and nothing happened.

As a person how had to stare down a WHITE MALE with a gun to put him in jail. All I would like is some common sense gun laws. Like how about limiting the expanded clips or magazines for the automatic weapons commonly used in mass shooting. They are certainly not used for deer hunting!

Why don't you educate yourself on the subject of guns before making such ludicrous comments?

The second amendment is NOT about hunting. Although, hunting with a weapon is protected by the second amendment.

Automatic weapons are illegal unless a special federal license is obtained. If you know of any murders perpetrated by automatic weapons, then they were illegally obtained. Limiting the amount of ammo in a magazine hardly makes a difference in murder. Mass shootings are an exception and not a norm, so making laws that hinder gun ownership is not much difference than attempting to change the laws to the weight and material of an auto that might be used in a mass murder by auto.
There are millions of guns in America. There will always be a few crazies living among over 300 million in our population.
We have common sense gun laws. Dealers are required to submit a background check. Training is required in most states before issuing a concealed carry permit. No guns in bars, gov buildings and public schools, etc. All they have to do is enforce the existing laws.

Just like immigration laws. You can have all the protection of the laws on paper you want, but if you don't enforce them, then the people become victims.
Old 05-05-2017, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
Why don't you educate yourself on the subject of guns before making such ludicrous comments?

The second amendment is NOT about hunting. Although, hunting with a weapon is protected by the second amendment.

Automatic weapons are illegal unless a special federal license is obtained. If you know of any murders perpetrated by automatic weapons, then they were illegally obtained. Limiting the amount of ammo in a magazine hardly makes a difference in murder. Mass shootings are an exception and not a norm, so making laws that hinder gun ownership is not much difference than attempting to change the laws to the weight and material of an auto that might be used in a mass murder by auto.
There are millions of guns in America. There will always be a few crazies living among over 300 million in our population.
We have common sense gun laws. Dealers are required to submit a background check. Training is required in most states before issuing a concealed carry permit. No guns in bars, gov buildings and public schools, etc. All they have to do is enforce the existing laws.

Just like immigration laws. You can have all the protection of the laws on paper you want, but if you don't enforce them, then the people become victims.
Kind of makes you miss your old Smith & Wesson forum, eh?

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Old 05-05-2017, 01:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Kind of makes you miss your old Smith & Wesson forum, eh?

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
Probably more than you miss working for Cardinal Health.
Old 05-05-2017, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Some liberals are more concerned with making information available to the victims and survivors of crimes (so that the victims can deal with the trauma and aftermath of being victimized), than they are in supporting lengthy periods of incarceration for those that commit the crime.
How about information about how NOT to be a victim in the first place? And then death for VIOLENT multiple offenders.

Originally Posted by Guest
And Republicans are full of BS..... For 8 years you all whined about how Obama was going to STEAL your guns and nothing happened.

As a person how had to stare down a WHITE MALE with a gun to put him in jail. All I would like is some common sense gun laws. Like how about limiting the expanded clips or magazines for the automatic weapons commonly used in mass shooting. They are certainly not used for deer hunting!

That is the EXCEPTION...look it up yourself...minorities are responsible for 80% of violet crimes. You have to remember that Hispanics have been counted as white.

Originally Posted by Guest
Why don't you educate yourself on the subject of guns before making such ludicrous comments?

The second amendment is NOT about hunting. Although, hunting with a weapon is protected by the second amendment.

Automatic weapons are illegal unless a special federal license is obtained. If you know of any murders perpetrated by automatic weapons, then they were illegally obtained. Limiting the amount of ammo in a magazine hardly makes a difference in murder. Mass shootings are an exception and not a norm, so making laws that hinder gun ownership is not much difference than attempting to change the laws to the weight and material of an auto that might be used in a mass murder by auto.
There are millions of guns in America. There will always be a few crazies living among over 300 million in our population.
We have common sense gun laws. Dealers are required to submit a background check. Training is required in most states before issuing a concealed carry permit. No guns in bars, gov buildings and public schools, etc. All they have to do is enforce the existing laws.

Just like immigration laws. You can have all the protection of the laws on paper you want, but if you don't enforce them, then the people become victims.
No it's about an ARMED populace. There wasn't supposed to BE a standing Army owned by the federal gov. The PEOPLE were supposed to be the Army. "A well regulated militia, the right of the PEOPLE to bear ARMS shall not be infringed". The people were supposed to form neighborhood militias for the common defense of their farm, community, county, state, or nation. ARMS meant everything available as a weapon. We were never supposed to be an empire.

A FEW white crazies but a whole lot of minorities who regularly use guns. You want to cut ALL crime by 80%? Ban the minorities from being in public. It's simple. THEY are the problem. Minorities with guns is America's gun problem.

Exactly...we ALLOWED 100 million Hispanics to waltz in and out over the last 30 years...11 million here at any given time...dropping ILLEGAL anchor babies who were considered citizens who are now along with their children...breeding white people out of the country. Hispanics are already the majority of babies born and within 30 years WILL be the absolute majority. You LET them turn America into Mexico II. Look at the border towns...ALREADY Mexico II.
Old 05-05-2017, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And Republicans are full of BS..... For 8 years you all whined about how Obama was going to STEAL your guns and nothing happened.

As a person how had to stare down a WHITE MALE with a gun to put him in jail. All I would like is some common sense gun laws. Like how about limiting the expanded clips or magazines for the automatic weapons commonly used in mass shooting. They are certainly not used for deer hunting!

We could adopt the strictest guns laws in the USA like the state of Illinois, specifically make us all safer!!
Old 05-05-2017, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
We could adopt the strictest guns laws in the USA like the state of Illinois, specifically make us all safer!!
We could throw out ALL the black and brown minorities and REALLY make America safe...AND great again.

They commit 80% of the crime. They've dragged us down from #1 to #25.

How about a national referendum BEFORE it's too late? Liberia was created specifically for repatriation.
Old 05-05-2017, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
And Republicans are full of BS..... For 8 years you all whined about how Obama was going to STEAL your guns and nothing happened.

As a person how had to stare down a WHITE MALE with a gun to put him in jail. All I would like is some common sense gun laws. Like how about limiting the expanded clips or magazines for the automatic weapons commonly used in mass shooting. They are certainly not used for deer hunting!

Please let me ask, do you honestly believe that Obama did not pursue his attmepts to disseminate the 2nd Amendment simply out the goodness of his heart?

The vast majority of citizens in this nation hold the 2nd Amendment sacrosanct and Obama realized that but kept trying to find a way to insert his gun control goals but people were not buying what he was selling.

Interestingly the ex-Illinois senator state has the toughest gun control laws in the nation and yet even those "expanded clips or magazine automatic weapons" you reference abound in Chicago . Just ask the Chicago cops because they were used against them.

To suggest that gun control is the solution to the problems associated with crime, the mentally ill or terrorists is naive at minimum and ignores true cause and preventive solutions.

And I'll go one step further and say that there are some situation that no matter what authorities/experts do will never prevent these tragedies from happening. risk is inherent in life

Personal Best Regards:
Old 05-05-2017, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
We could throw out ALL the black and brown minorities and REALLY make America safe...AND great again.

They commit 80% of the crime. They've dragged us down from #1 to #25.

How about a national referendum BEFORE it's too late? Liberia was created specifically for repatriation.
As harsh as that sounds, it's hard to argue with the truth.
Old 05-05-2017, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
As harsh as that sounds, it's hard to argue with the truth.
Truth anymore rquals harsh reality to most...
Old 05-05-2017, 03:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
As harsh as that sounds, it's hard to argue with the truth.
Originally Posted by Guest
Truth anymore rquals harsh reality to most...
It's absolutely the truth.

Norman Rockwell's America didn't have many blacks...and his world was idyllic. America WAS #1 back was also VERY white.

We are NOT we will NEVER all get along as equals.

How long have men and women been together? Forever...millions of and women, living together, raising a family. Women are STILL after millions of years...are complaining that men treat them unfairly. Why? Because we're NOT equal and the men know it.
Old 05-05-2017, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Copuff

As a person how had to stare down a WHITE MALE with a gun to put him in jail. All I would like is some common sense gun laws. Like how about limiting the expanded clips or magazines for the automatic weapons commonly used in mass shooting. They are certainly not used for deer hunting!

Well you never found time to explain what exactly took place after some discrepancies in your story were questioned...

murderer, life, sad, liberals, liberal

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