Alex Jones

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Old 12-19-2016, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Please Google Alex Jones and you will see that he believes the Sandy Hook school killings is a hoax. You will also see that Trump has publically stated he admires Jones.

What is an alt-right? Basically it is someone one the extreme fringe of the conservative spectrum - like Don Baldwin who has chimed in on this thread. You know his beliefs and you think they are dispicable.

How about the fake news put out that Hillary Clinton was involved in running a child prostitution ring from a DC restaurant? This was even fired up more when the son of Trump's Sec. Of Defense selection tweeted on it. End result was a man goes into the restaurant with an assault rifle and fires shots.

Yes, GG, there are nut cases out there - right and left wing - and being egged on by the likes of Alex Jones - who is admired by Trump!
I posted the link...the FBIs own web site says ZERO (0) killings at Newtown. What can you believe any more...nothing is the correct answer. Assume it's a lie or corruption of the truth.

Why is it despicable to tell people the truth? Liars spread those rumors...people who don't WANT the truth exposed.
Old 12-19-2016, 09:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
C'mon GG, you're too smart to play that dumb.
Based on her very dysfunctional personal life, being the obvious impetus to her staggering number of lying/naive posts...I respectfully disagree with you.
Old 12-19-2016, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Have you been drinking? Do you honestly think many adults would give this kind of garbage a second's consideration??? Most people have common sense and they try to carefully evaluate and investigate what they hear or read. It doesn't make ANY points if something is negative against a person you don't like and it is a LIE. We should ALL have learned THAT in Junior High School.

Grace Gantner

P.S. Most of us believe in global warming, it is whether or not we can do anything to stop it no matter how much world cooperation we get. Laws and rules are broken and ignored by selfish people everyday.
Use your common sense and listen or read if you would please....

Alex Jones is a conspirator spreader and has always been. The children not being shot is simply ONE of his conspiracies. He is part of the alt right movement, he and Steve Bannon.

The point was being made that he is ADMIRED by our President elect (the owner of the conspiracy about Obama's birth).

AND he has his ear as does Bannon.

Now, based on the names you called those who never said they believed any of this, but simply pointed out that our President is in a select group of people who do in fact proffer this type of thing, you will need to find another way to applaud him as HONEST and logical.
Old 12-19-2016, 09:56 AM
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The topic of the thread as well as some of the posts are reflective of how a medium can be overwhelmed by an isolated incident or minority entity (race or otherwise, a very, very small number) or special interest group or partisan bully.

And we all know if one researches ANYTHING/ANY SUBJECT, with today's technology and availablity of information (good and bad) one will find something that matches their agenda. And then wind it up, amplify it an make it to be what it is not, a general condition.
Old 12-19-2016, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Use your common sense and listen or read if you would please....

Alex Jones is a conspirator spreader and has always been. The children not being shot is simply ONE of his conspiracies. He is part of the alt right movement, he and Steve Bannon.

The point was being made that he is ADMIRED by our President elect (the owner of the conspiracy about Obama's birth).

AND he has his ear as does Bannon.

Now, based on the names you called those who never said they believed any of this, but simply pointed out that our President is in a select group of people who do in fact proffer this type of thing, you will need to find another way to applaud him as HONEST and logical.

Steve Bannon will be one office away from Trump in the West Wing. Can Alex Jones be far behind?
Old 12-19-2016, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The topic of the thread as well as some of the posts are reflective of how a medium can be overwhelmed by an isolated incident or minority entity (race or otherwise, a very, very small number) or special interest group or partisan bully.

And we all know if one researches ANYTHING/ANY SUBJECT, with today's technology and availablity of information (good and bad) one will find something that matches their agenda. And then wind it up, amplify it an make it to be what it is not, a general condition.
Maybe not you, but I have sincere concerns for a President that not only embraces conspiracy theories, but embraces and admires those who start them and keep them alive.

I prefer the President have both feet on the ground with a grasp of reality, and not have these people advising him.

Our President was the spokesperson for at least two conspiracy theories, has an advisor who has started a few and of course admires Jones who has begun and continued quite a few.

Not doing anything but showing what it is...hopefully he grows up soon.

I, honestly am still reeling over last week when the Aleppo story was getting steam...about he children trapped there. As I watched, a tweet appeared from our President Elect.....that tweet was to condemn the restaurant reviewer of Vanity Fair who gave a Trump eatery a bad review. That was stunning.

All this is real...people on here are still talking about Clinton, for gosh sake.
Old 12-19-2016, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Maybe not you, but I have sincere concerns for a President that not only embraces conspiracy theories, but embraces and admires those who start them and keep them alive.

I prefer the President have both feet on the ground with a grasp of reality, and not have these people advising him.

Our President was the spokesperson for at least two conspiracy theories, has an advisor who has started a few and of course admires Jones who has begun and continued quite a few.

Not doing anything but showing what it is...hopefully he grows up soon.

I, honestly am still reeling over last week when the Aleppo story was getting steam...about he children trapped there. As I watched, a tweet appeared from our President Elect.....that tweet was to condemn the restaurant reviewer of Vanity Fair who gave a Trump eatery a bad review. That was stunning.

All this is real...people on here are still talking about Clinton, for gosh sake.

President-Elect Trump perpetuated the conspiracy theory that President Obama was not born in the US for over five years. Remember when he was sending his detectives to Hawaii and telling them not to come back until they have something? This was one of his biggest whoppers. He finally admitted Obama was born in Hawaii and there were no detectives. He rarely admits he lied. Of course, he never apologized for lying or trying to marginalize the president. If I were Obama, I'd tell him to go pound sand.
Old 12-19-2016, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
President-Elect Trump perpetuated the conspiracy theory that President Obama was not born in the US for over five years. Remember when he was sending his detectives to Hawaii and telling them not to come back until they have something? This was one of his biggest whoppers. He finally admitted Obama was born in Hawaii and there were no detectives. He rarely admits he lied. Of course, he never apologized for lying or trying to marginalize the president. If I were Obama, I'd tell him to go pound sand.
It is scary for me how he is apt to follow any half baked idea that serves his personal purpose for attention.

And I was really shocked at posters here who never heard of this alt right movement and their beliefs.

They should be aware because they are now members and supporters of that movement.
Old 12-19-2016, 10:56 AM
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Keep in mind always, his OWN BIOGRAPHER said this...thus I do not understand at the surprise about him.

"Donald Trump has a "minimal relationship with the truth," according to the GOP nominee's biographer David Cay Johnston.

"Donald makes up things he creates his own reality," Johnston said on CNBC's "Power Lunch" on Wednesday. "And in his mind, there's nothing wrong with that."
Old 12-19-2016, 11:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I am curious as to how many who agree with Alex Jones that the killings at the Newport School was a hoax and never happened.

I am sure there are some alt rights on here believing that as well as his theories on 9/11.

This guy is totally insane and has created a following of idiots. People with half a brain turn him off !!!
Old 12-19-2016, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
This guy is totally insane and has created a following of idiots. People with half a brain turn him off !!!
Our President Elect is a big fan of his.

But glad to hear that someone on here is at least aware of the guy. I was shocked hearing of posters who just don't seem to get it.

Those idiots you refer to are just outside the door of our new President...for example...

"“I think Alex Jones may be the single most important voice in the alternative conservative media,” says Roger Stone, the Nixon-era political trickster who orchestrated Trump’s appearance on the show.

On Monday, Trump seemed to confirm Jones’s status. Jones says Trump called to promise he would return to the program to thank the Infowars audience, an extraordinary gesture for an incoming president whose schedule is packed with calls from world leaders and the enormous task of overseeing the transition."

How Alex Jones, conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, got Donald Trump’s ear - The Washington Post

Thus this "insane" person has a real input.
Old 12-19-2016, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Have you been drinking? Do you honestly think many adults would give this kind of garbage a second's consideration??? Most people have common sense and they try to carefully evaluate and investigate what they hear or read. It doesn't make ANY points if something is negative against a person you don't like and it is a LIE. We should ALL have learned THAT in Junior High School.

Grace Gantner

P.S. Most of us believe in global warming, it is whether or not we can do anything to stop it no matter how much world cooperation we get. Laws and rules are broken and ignored by selfish people everyday.
Are you denying the guy you voted for said "global warming was a hoax perpetrated by China?" If you're not denying it then how can support such a moron? What about all the other ridiculous thing he has said like Obama is a Kenyan or he's a Muslim? You still support him? Compare all the hurtful, hateful, moronic things Trump as pushed then compare them to Clinton. What goes on in your brain to justify voting for Trump. I could understand (not agree with)any republican over Clinton but Trump? Sick!
Old 12-19-2016, 01:21 PM
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This is the headline TODAY from Alex Jones.

Guess if you are that close to the President Elect, you gotta keep up.

"Breaking announcement regarding the fake birth certificate of POTUS"

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama’s Birth Certificate Proven To Be A Fake 9 Different Ways >> Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

This is as claimed by another fervent supporter of Trump, and a guy Trump simply raves about....Sheriff Joe ..

"Arpaio has been accused of various types of misconduct, including abuse of power, misuse of funds, failure to investigate sex crimes, improper clearance of cases, unlawful enforcement of immigration laws, and election law violations. A Federal court monitor was appointed to oversee his office's operations because of complaints of racial profiling. The U.S. Department of Justice concluded that Arpaio oversaw the worst pattern of racial profiling in US history, and subsequently filed suit against him for unlawful discriminatory police conduct.[2]

Joe Arpaio - Wikipedia

This is the kind of support for Trump along with everything else made me totally leave the Republican Party. How theynsupport a man who simolynappears to be insane, is beyond me.

I certainly cannot side with the progressive movement of the Democrats, but this extreme movement to the ultra far right is about as scary as it gets. A congress can stop spending...the hateful, and profound stupidity if the ultra right is going to last.

This forum has become a refuge of the uninformed, far right conspiracy people folks. As much as you may want me to go, I will challenge any if your pro Russian links, your leaning to believing ONLY what a profound, validated chronic lying ma who refuses to be in anyway transparent is simply scary. The lack of ANY credible information AT ALL is scary. Just reading the stupidity on this thread alone is sufficient to scare anyone.

People on this forum actually never heard of these conspiracies, never knew how complicit Trump is with them, and then support them BLINDLY.

Old 12-19-2016, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Are you denying the guy you voted for said "global warming was a hoax perpetrated by China?" If you're not denying it then how can support such a moron? What about all the other ridiculous thing he has said like Obama is a Kenyan or he's a Muslim? You still support him? Compare all the hurtful, hateful, moronic things Trump as pushed then compare them to Clinton. What goes on in your brain to justify voting for Trump. I could understand (not agree with)any republican over Clinton but Trump? Sick!
Isn't that simply incredible. How blind and dumb some of these people are and have become.

They blindly follow a person (never call him a man just based in what he did to prevent wife's)....anyway blindly, and I mean with eyes shut tight while demeaning others.

It is simply amazing to me.
Old 12-19-2016, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by guest
are you denying the guy you voted for said "global warming was a hoax perpetrated by china?" if you're not denying it then how can support such a moron? What about all the other ridiculous thing he has said like obama is a kenyan or he's a muslim? You still support him? Compare all the hurtful, hateful, moronic things trump as pushed then compare them to clinton. What goes on in your brain to justify voting for trump. I could understand (not agree with)any republican over clinton but trump? Sick!

happened, jones, alex

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