AMNESTY is coming.....

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Old 11-22-2009, 10:08 PM
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Default AMNESTY is coming.....

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Sneaking In Amnesty

Immigration: For illegal immigrants, the good times are back. Workplace raids have been halved, and easily fudged paperwork audits are up. Make no mistake, this is a politically driven precursor to amnesty.

How times change. In 2007, an outraged public made itself heard to politicians by saying "enough" to policies that produced 12 million illegals in the U.S.

It sank the bipartisan 2007 immigration bill, dismissing it as "amnesty," and demanded enforcement of the law.

Now the President has said he will shift gears and go after the employers and in fact the number of employer audits have increased quite a bit, but having been an employer and if anyone else has been...there is a notice that you will be audited.

And as the article states...."Stepping up paperwork raids is no substitute for the real thing. It's political cover for amnesty."

"Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., plans to introduce legislation as early as December to provide a "path" to green cards for 12 million illegal immigrants."

Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano told the Center for American Progress recently that reform was in the air: "I know a major shift when I see one, and what I have seen makes reform far more attainable this time around."

Then there are labor unions that want amnesty as a means of roping in more members.

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, who's big on unions, has on different occasions, including one witnessed by IBD at the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles, stood with Mexican officials before union members and assured that once a health care overhaul is done, immigration reform will be next.

Activists friendly to Obama, like the American Immigration Council and the Asian Law Caucus, almost as if on command, are also roused, sending e-mails to the media.

Got to tell you...this may be a very unpopular congress but they are active and will not stop !!!
Old 11-22-2009, 11:16 PM
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I'm afraid your right, Bucco. Everything is happening so fast it is hard to keep up. I think that is the whole idea. I can't believe what has happened in the last year. None of it good.
Old 11-23-2009, 08:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Sally Jo View Post
I'm afraid your right, Bucco. Everything is happening so fast it is hard to keep up. I think that is the whole idea. I can't believe what has happened in the last year. None of it good.
Many more union members and voters !!!!
Old 11-23-2009, 09:19 AM
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Default Change you can count on

That's millions of potential voters and recipents of free healthcare who will be sure to join the Andy Stern's SEIU when this happens.

Of course none of these folks will be subject to the Cap and Trade tax increases as they will receive Government subsidys to go along with no federal taxes, just annual checks from the IRS.

Guess this is what gets discussed and planned at those White House meetings with the current occupant.

"Change you can count on."
Old 11-23-2009, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Hancle704 View Post
That's millions of potential voters and recipents of free healthcare who will be sure to join the Andy Stern's SEIU when this happens.

Of course none of these folks will be subject to the Cap and Trade tax increases as they will receive Government subsidys to go along with no federal taxes, just annual checks from the IRS.

Guess this is what gets discussed and planned at those White House meetings with the current occupant.

"Change you can count on."

HANCLE....I must be careful how I word this...but....

I have done much reading on our current President and his background and training. This is not a surprise and I believe was/is part of the grand sets a base for power and votes and it assures the constant "wealth redistribution" !
Old 11-23-2009, 11:57 AM
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Gee. Hillary makes a comment about a "grand right-wing conspiracy" and the conservatives laugh her off. Now, years later, the talk is completely reversed.
Old 11-23-2009, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by djplong View Post
Gee. Hillary makes a comment about a "grand right-wing conspiracy" and the conservatives laugh her off. Now, years later, the talk is completely reversed.
Have you read President Obama's two autobiographies and researched the Chicago news for his quotes and actions ?

Nothing new about what I said...just ignored during the campaign by the MSM !!!

Also read about Soros and his money and how he felt in losing to Bush and the vow he made....follow the money and these organizations and you will find it is not idle talk !

PS: I must add that I can see how a supporter of this President would feel the way you do. This is not a closed secret conspiracy in anyway. This has been years in the making....nothing like some kind of crazy movie, but a movement that is set to ensure power to the far left for years to come ! The fear of Beck and Palin are well founded...NOT because they will ever be elected to any office, but because they are close to telling the truth...many times I will agree over done but very close to what is true. With all the critcism of Beck, for example...never heard anyone say he ever lied ! We are doomed to live with the consequences of 11/2008 for a long time within our borders and the enabling that is happening. I am more concerned about our international affairs and what is happening in the world. Notice how nobody even responds to threads on the world.
Old 11-23-2009, 05:40 PM
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I wouldn't call myself a supporter - not by a long shot. What you COULD correctly categorize me as is someone who is willing to allow the guy to succeed/fail first before making judgements.

Again, and I can't state this enough because people keep jumping to the wrong conclusion regarding my views. I did NOT vote for Obama because I thought he was 'better' or even 'good'. It was because I thought he was "less bad" than McCain/Palin.

Just as Reagan needed time for his plans to have an effect, the same should hold true for Obama. Likewise, people were saying things as hyperbolic as Reagan wanting to put old people out on ice floes just after the election - and they justified their comments by taking a Reagan quote and blowing it up WAY out of proportion.
Old 11-23-2009, 06:43 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by djplong View Post
I wouldn't call myself a supporter - not by a long shot. What you COULD correctly categorize me as is someone who is willing to allow the guy to succeed/fail first before making judgements.

Again, and I can't state this enough because people keep jumping to the wrong conclusion regarding my views. I did NOT vote for Obama because I thought he was 'better' or even 'good'. It was because I thought he was "less bad" than McCain/Palin.

Just as Reagan needed time for his plans to have an effect, the same should hold true for Obama. Likewise, people were saying things as hyperbolic as Reagan wanting to put old people out on ice floes just after the election - and they justified their comments by taking a Reagan quote and blowing it up WAY out of proportion.

He WILL/IS doing what his background and training prepare him to do and nothing that folks could not see before his election.

Had the MSM done even close to their job and he was not such a "sweet talker" he would not have even had the nomination.

BUT...that is history and I just wanted to say that to your response.

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